Bandwidth Allowance Server for NTL 10mb

22 Nov 2004
Righty, When i return to my uni house (is a long time away but I am wanting to learn and build for this) in september, I will be upgrading the NTL 2mb connection as 5 way it isnt all that great. Plan now is to goto the NTL 10mb.

I am wanting to create a server that only allows the other 4 people a certain amount of bandwidth, As I like to use the connection for Online games which when they download ruins it completly for me. Allowing certain bandwidth will allow me to (if I am correct) play games with no lag, and let others download at around 60kbs with an upload of about 20kbs, roughly equivilent to 1mb connection each. And i have the rest of the bandwidth.

Is this possible? and what sort of kit is needed?

At the moment i Have:-
Old rig - xp1900 512ram mx440gfx with a micro mobo
Linksys 4 port router which I am using to split the ntl connection.
May be able to get my hands on an 8port hub.
Anything else needed i will buy.
DanMc07 said:
I think what you need is a program called NetLimiter matey :)

You'd need a network card for every user in the machine then, or talk the users into installing it (and not turning it off when they felt like it).

IPcop (or something similar, like Smoothwall) would be more appropriate.
If it's just degredation of gaming traffic that you are worried about just get a better router and configure a QoS policy to expedite (LLQ) traffic matching your games.

Not sure how ingress traffic will fair at the PE mind.
you could always just use a firewall i have a netscreen 5xp which lets me set bandwidth priority and can limit users max bandwidth. you can pick them up pretty cheep on ebay aswell
that sounds good enough T18, does it create any problems with day to day usage of internet and things like that, ie the firewall being annoying.

The other main reason for this is that I personally want to hog the connection for downloading and leave the rest of the users sharing the remains of the connection and thus affecting each others bandwidth and performance.
no i havent had any problems and the good thing is you can set priority for all traffic through an interface and/or limit the bandwidth people get when doing certain things e.g. their pc gets a max 50kbps when using http and a max of 100kbps when using ftp

What i have done is set given my xbox priority use over all traffic going over my router and set all the other pcs at lower prioritys aswell as setting a maximum bandwidth limit
so T180 would if i got one of these could i Limit 3 or 4 others users to have an Upload of around 20each and a download of around 120 each, leaving me to have the rest of what is available.

Main problem is everyone downloading (using p2p software) and when i want them to stop i gotta goto their pc's or unlug their cable from the router. Does this sound liek the thing to solve my problem?
i dont think you can specify the upload and download you can just say what the max bandwidth they can take is so if you set it to 50 then they would get to use 50kbps for their combined upload and download. one of these would sove your problem aswell as allowing you more controll over your network you can block certain websites for individual users etc you can also block certain ports e.g. ftp and the ports certain download programs use for individual users which is always good if someone starts taking the read me with the amount of data they are transfering
my problem is that the uploads damage intetnet gaming more than the uploads, giving someone 80kbs combined could mean that they are uploading at 50, which on a 500kb upload is nearly the whole thing. Completly destroyign the objective of what Im doing.
Bloody P2P software..........
after thinking about it, it may be possible as on the firewall you basically get 2 zones how i have set mine up trust and untrust (trust being the LAN and untrust being the internet) you can set up policys for traffic going in each direction so you should be able to limit traffic going from trust to untrust (uploading) and another policy untrust to trust (downloading) with different bandwidth limits. if you want you can add me to msn mate i will explain things in a bit more detail for you. let me know if u want my addy
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