Bank offers to pay a day early?

It's handy for me, my pay day is the last day of the month and I have various direct debits and payments that I make automatically which were set up when I was at a previous employer who paid on the day before the last day of the month so my direct debit was set for the last day. With that now being my pay day, it's just peace of mind that I'll have been paid a day early and I can guarantee the money is all in the right place before my processes all kick in to move things around.

I've moved all the DDs I can to be the first or second of the month but a couple are a little awkward about changing dates.

It's also fun to slide that slider down and watch the animation which shows you've been paid early :D
Could be useful for those paid on the last working day of the month or similar., but I'd still be wary of getting used to that and just make sure outgoings go out earlier in the month where possible.

I get paid on the 15th (or earlier if weekend/holiday). I don't think I could go back. I certainly hated the last working day of the month nonsense.
I get paid on the 15th (or earlier if weekend/holiday). I don't think I could go back. I certainly hated the last working day of the month nonsense.
How does it make any difference? You just move your direct debits to the 15th and your salary comes in at the end of the month.
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