Banking Fees

16 Feb 2009
Just wondered if anyone has had the same experience as me, or has an explanation as to why this may have happened;

Basically, I'm a student banking with Lloyds TSB, I haven't had an overdraft facility set up as I didn't want to use it. However a few weeks back it became a necessity to set one up. I went into what they called "unplanned overdraft" and consequently got charged £27. I set up an overdraft of £100 straight away after this to cover me if I needed it. I have just logged into my internet banking only to discover I have a £21 deduction for using unplanned overdraft. But I have an overdraft and haven't exceeded it.

How can this be?
I will be contacting the bank tomorrow morning, just wondered if anyone had any insight.

I received a letter a couple of days after setting it up saying it was sorted and ready for me to use :S x

Lloyds are a bunch of *************** (I could go on with the stars..), get on the phone and whinge like hell at them, they'll soon rectify their mistake. They ended up charging me £165 for a period once that was completely their mistake, once I kicked up hell about it the money was back in my account within a few days. :)
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