Barclays PingIT

You do know that they do that to protect you right?

So why on Pingit does it only require a 5-digit number to access it?

I can fully understand why it's needed to transfer money about but just to check a balance? It's a complete PITA.
I guess to allow you online it doesn't know that all you want to do is check your balance so enforces the security.

The functionality of the pingit app is more targeted so maybe that's why there are less hoops to go through?
I can confirm that Jailbroken phones will not function with PingIT, they are aware of this however they have said that they will not support jailbroken devices. ** edited, see below **
I'd rather there was no discussion about running this app on jailbroken phones. I appreciate that jailbreaking discussion is allowed but I'm not comfortable with talk of workarounds to make a financial app like this work on jailbroken phones.

If the supplier of an app doesn't want it running on jailbroken phones then that should be respected.

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