Bare build log: L01 no08

New case and graphics card :D

From this:


To this:





All i need now is a SSD and if i can find one another 6970 then im sorted. Thanks to everyone on this forum as without you lot i would never have bothered to build this :)
Wow, I'm loving it mate. You've practically taken your build exactly where I want to take mine. I'd like to get the 650d and the Kuhler!
the kuhler is meant to be more quiet than the corsair ones right? i read that somewhere but i forget
is it just because of the fans? pump is the same?
Yeah the are both made by asetek(?) i think. I cannot vouch for the same model but it is quiter than the H100 I had briefly. They are also easier to fit too. It is the quitest thing in my case so they are nice and quiet.
looking good mate, how you getting on with the case?

The 600T is a great case, an absolute dream to build in to.
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What about it? ;) it's a beast, served me well, I think i have only purchased 6 things new for this build :)

I currently have the 700w version and it messes with my ethernet port somehow unless it is unplugged and replugged when off. When i posted on the forum for some help someone said that another persons had black smoke come out of it.
Sure you'll be ok though.. :P
looking good mate, how you getting on with the case?

The 600T is a great case, an absolute dream to build in to.

A pleasure to build in, childs play. Easy top plan, install and connect everything up. Top quality indeed!

I currently have the 700w version and it messes with my ethernet port somehow unless it is unplugged and replugged when off. When i posted on the forum for some help someone said that another persons had black smoke come out of it.
Sure you'll be ok though.. :P

Cheers for that, will be keepin an eye on it... like a hawk... my 6970 is in danger D:
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