Bark Chippings - Kids Play Area

15 Aug 2006
Leicester UK
Hi All,

I'm thinking of putting a swing set in for the kids and want something softer than slabs for them to fall on. I've looked at matting and rubber tiles and it all looks a bit rubbish or is very very expensive.

So far I've narrowed it down to Rubber Chips/Rubberised Bark which will cost about £200 for the patch I want to do.

Or the other option is just normal play grade bark chippings, which will be half the price, but will compost unlike the first option.

My questions are: How much will natural bark compost over a year? Have you got any other suggestions?

Our play bark has been down for 4 years. Last weekend I went through it turning it over and pulling out all the roots, mainly brambles that were seeking a weak point. The bottom inch or so had compressed but after turning it over and letting it dry out looks good as new without any composting.

We have proper play bark a council would put down over geotextile membrane.
Our standard, garden-centre-bought bark chip lasts about two years before it needs a top-up due to the pieces shrinking and generally looking untidy. I've never seen any birds stealing it, but foxes sometimes come and dig about it in.
A cut and paste from a previous thread I replied to but I would recommend the rubber options over bark. I put a load of rubber chips in last year from here:-

Have been very pleased with the results,
  • Nice and soft
  • As its rubber animals don't use it as a toilet
  • Spiders/insects don't appear to be keen on it and stay out.
  • Doesn't absorb moisture and rot/smell like normal bark clippings
  • Due to the above it drys very quickly after rain
Throughly recommend the stuff.

Here's a pic from when it went in but looks exactly the same today:-

We use playground grade woodchippings for our landing sites at work (Go Ape). They get replaced every 3 years iirc and are spread over a groundsheet that lets water drain through but prevents plants growing up. Our safety guidlines require a depth of 30cm of woodchip.

They are also very safe for landing on. Thousands upon thousands of customers use them to land on at the end of zip wires without injury. During a training exercise I was once thrown 3m through the air and landed on my face in freshly dug woodchip. I was absolutely fine, though my colleagues were incapacitated in laughter.
Very useful to know, thanks. I think that the rubber ones would be worth the extra in that they give an extra cushioning effect and would keep animals away. Don't want cat poo to be part of the soft cushioning when they fall off!
we bought rubber chippings (same playframe as above too) and are chuffed to bits with it.

Laid 50-75mm over old turf which was covered with membrane, really pleased!

Sheesh, when I was a kid we ran around on a disused factory roof, built our own damn tree houses, swung on ropes over 20ft drops, slid down the bannisters in the local flats and never once played in our own back garden.
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