Barracuda 7200.7 Hd incredibly slow

10 Apr 2006
Was fixing a pc for pal and it has a 160gb Barracuda 7200.7 in it.I deleted ide channels in device manager as i thought usual prob stuck in pio but it didn`t do anything.Tried different cable/channel no luck either.Swapped in an old 20gb drive and that works fine.
Looks like something physically wrong inside,it passed some seagate tools tests albeit slowly.I haven`t tested it in another pc yet to rule out faulty mobo just wondering if i could reflash the firmware or something or is bin best for it.
Unfortunately its oem and out of warranty.
luminous said:
Was fixing a pc for pal and it has a 160gb Barracuda 7200.7 in it.I deleted ide channels in device manager as i thought usual prob stuck in pio but it didn`t do anything.
Have you checked in Device Manager to see what mode the drive is running in? Check the BIOS too, sometimes there's a setting in there which will limit the controller mode but I've no idea why that would change to a lower mode.
Dma channel shows dma 5 but even an underclocked p166 would beat this celeron based 2.6ghz one for performance :p .Drives just usually error/die its just weird.Will try it on my one later.
After a lot of multi-slacking i finally got around to trying in another pc.
It worked fine up until i wanted to try defragging the main drive-then it wasn`t having it,utter crawl even after cancelling defrag and reboot.
I think i just witnessed the ol `i`ll work for 2 mins before i die` routine,ah well bin ye go.
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