Basel to Amsterdam Ride - Training/Prep/Journey

11 Sep 2009
France, Alsace
Thought I'd put up a thread of my own as I can dump stuff in here and keep it all about this in one place, but quick back story; My wife used to like riding and would ride with me a fair bit, but just as she started to get into it, she found out her hips weren't good and she had to have a hip replacement (she's 33!).

She's just had this done and is now trying to recover and plan for getting fit and into riding again. She likes to have something to aim for, and we'd previously said we wanted to do a big ride, so have planned with about 12 friends so far, to ride from Basel to Amsterdam.

The route is:

It's pretty flat, so that shouldn't be an issue, it's just knocking out like 100km a day for a week that might push some of us :D but it's going to be great.

That, and I can now build the CX bike I wanted to! Haha

I'll put in here when it's happening, my plans, training up to it and will no doubt ask millions of Qs about making sure I'm well prepped for it.

Stay tuned!
I guess first, you need to decide whether you are going to bike pack the ride or use panniers as that will dictate what sort of frame you can get away with.

If you bike pack, you have to plan carefully what you are taking with you as you are going to carry sod all stuff with you. I managed to bring 3 days of cycling kit, and 1 set of going out clothes for a 5 day ride and with all the other bits and pieces my bags were full

My bike all packed and ready to go
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That looks sweet as! Did you camp? Or stay places where you stopped? I am hoping we can have someone follow us with a vehicle as support, but would also be good to make sure we have some stuff with us as we don't know if the group will stick together etc.

How far did you guys go @Bear ?
I stayed in hotels as I could keep my bike in my room as I didnt carry a lock as I only have a D lock and it was too bulky to carry.

I left Edinburgh and got to Doncaster when storm Helene and storm Ali was due to hit which made it too dangerous to carry on. The day before the storm, I was riding into a 30mph headwind with some rain which made it miserable, so knowing I couldnt carry on due to the storms I gave up and took the train home.
I rode unsupported (with a friend) from South West UK to Ypres in May and found european roads fantastic and the people oh so willing to help. I used the Topeak Backloader saddle bag which was great as long as it’s well filled
Yes but will probably try again close to summer next year. Also I will pay more attention to which way the winds are blowing and may go London to Edinburgh instead to take advantage of the prevailing winds as its a chore constantly riding into a headwind

Definitely, you don’t want to ride through the Fens into a headwind. Take a look at the gpx files for LEL for some route inspiration.
Definitely, you don’t want to ride through the Fens into a headwind. Take a look at the gpx files for LEL for some route inspiration.

I would have skirted the Fens as the leg I would have taken went Lincoln to Huntington. The route I took went Edinburgh, Bamburgh, Durham, York, Lincoln, Huntington, London (averaging roughly 70 miles a day). As it stood, I gave up 30 miles into the York to Lincoln leg due to high winds.
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