Batman Arkham City - Thread

Simple Reason is : PIRACY, they want to shift as much as they can on the consoles first and then release it on PC, if they released it at the same time some people who have a good pc and a console. May not bother buying it for console and just download it.

Yup thats the reason, they gotta make their money!
It looks like the devs have tailored the game specific to each platform so that -

the Steam version (and hence why the nVidia keys are working) will use Steamworks but with SecuROM DRM,
the retail version is going to use Games for Windows Live (this won't register on Steam) and
the OnLive version is specific to that with OnLive achievements.

That's rather good news.

If that is the case, then that is very, very impressive and really raises the bar tbh.
It looks like the devs have tailored the game specific to each platform so that -

the Steam version (and hence why the nVidia keys are working) will use Steamworks but with SecuROM DRM,
the retail version is going to use Games for Windows Live (this won't register on Steam) and
the OnLive version is specific to that with OnLive achievements.

That's rather good news.

Shock :eek:

PC gamers actually get a choice.

Glad I bought an Nvidia voucher now.
I'm considering cancelling my pre-order and waiting until closer to christmas. BF3 is out before this so I'm wondering how much I'll play when BF3 is there to tempt me.
There is a quick look for arkham city on Don't watch it if you don't want the games whole storyline spoiled, They recorded the quick look in the city after the end of the game to avoid spoilers but forgot that the you can hear the thugs around the city talk about current events as you make your way around the city,

Just over 2 minutes into one of the thugs starts explaining to another thug what happened at the end of the game, in detail, you can't hear it but it's in the subtitles

What a stupid error from giantbomb
Just saw this on the US Steam Store page.

I'm wondering if that GfWL thing is a mistake. AFAIK, there is no online play on Batman: Arkham City and also I don't think there has ever been a game that uses both Steamworks and GfWL. How is the Steam cloud going to copy encrypted GfWL saves, for example?
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I'm wondering if that GfWL thing is a mistake. AFAIK, there is no online play on Batman: Arkham City and also I don't think there has ever been a game that uses both Steamworks and GfWL. How is the Steam cloud going to copy encrypted GfWL saves, for example?

There's a few "offline" only games that use GFWL, Fallout 3 is an obvious one that comes to mind.

As for one that uses both. Dawn of War II does. :p Definitely rare though.

Got a key off eBay cheap. Waiting for it to be sent now. :)
I'm a bit sad they delayed this on PC even though it is to put some extras on for us. First game surprised me an blew me away this is meant to be better in every way. It will probably be my favourite single player game this year (beating portal 2). But alas it is now released after BF3 and MW3 I probably won't have time for this until the new year now.
^ similar here. I was really hoping it'd be out this week and give me a good weeks playing before BF3 hits. :(

I still get it at some point but I can see BF3 eating a lot of my time and that is just the MP. I'm still interested in playing it's SP and COOP but not sure how much of a look in they will get if the MP is up to it.
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