Battle Royal - The next chapter in gaming

I don't get how pubg has made $$$$$$ yet they still seem like a bunch of backstreet developers. And the last update farce just about summed it up!

Still the best mp fps since cod4 though.
what makes me laugh is so many slaughter the pubg team yet its one of the best games weve played. they never do anything but they making maps constantly updating the game and if no one didnt notice they getting on top of the cheats.they just announced another new feature also new guns.all in about a year of development.battlefield cant do that cod cant yet its cool to hate them.weird.
they never do anything but they making maps constantly updating the game and if no one didnt notice they getting on top of the cheats..

I like the game but come on its been out a year and we have ONE new map, and it took them 6 months to finally conceed they had a cheating problem.
Yeah not sure I understand the skill ceiling higher on fortnite comment, that's just....bizarre. The building takes some skill, but the gun play is just pure jumping about and spamming shotguns.

I've played and enjoyed both, but PUBG is the more challenging and satisfying game to play imo

The gun play in fortnite has a higher skill ceiling simply as a result of there being so much more movement in close combat including jumping and sometimes involving building at the same time. That isn't to say it's a more challenging game, as spotting is far easier due to the visuals.

Aim, spotting, pickups and positioning/movement wins you games in pubg. It won't in fortnite as you need to combine this with building and resources.

Abusing mechanics is part of being skilled to an extent. It's been that way in competitive gaming for years. It's just some games you can't abuse as much as others. Just look at some of the boosting positions done on the old counter strike as CT, the movement employed on quake 3 is abusing the engine design, druid rogue warrior warlock combos years ago in wow 2v2 arena. You either play along or you aren't competitive.
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