*** Battlefield 1 ***

There is also the (small) chance of getting a puzzle piece or a squad XP boost in the two higher level battlepacks.
Many rustled jimmies in here indeed :D

Also, why the need to use a separate program to change the lighting/make it easier to spot people on dark maps when you can easily:

- up the gamma in AMD/nvidia control panel or in your monitor's OSD
- or use the black equaliser setting to bring out every single little bit of detail in the dark areas, many gaming monitors come with now
- just up the brightness slider in game

These worked amazingly well on the dark maps in bf 4.

Watch that k/d sore high boys!

:D :cool:

Oh and yes, DICE's vision of having a dull lifeless blue hue on top of everything in bf 3 was so realistic and looked so great and didn't give the slightest bit of eye strain at all lol....




People just using this as an excuse to explain why they are **** at a game :D

Want an equal playing field, go play on console, oh wait, better not as there is now a device out where you can use a mouse + keyboard instead of the controller, maybe stick to mobile games then :D

Nobody's actually getting upset about others turning down the settings, because the people who don't turn down the setting don't actually give that much of a toss if you've given yourself an advantage. Those people understand that it's just a computer game. The only people whose "jimmies are rustled" in here are the sensitive folk who turn the settings down. There's no need to be so defensive about it, it's OK. You're going to be OK.
I purposely got a 1080 to play this at low settings with mesh at ultra. The above average k/d ratio you can get gives you instant friends for life, recognition in the street, a salary through YouTube plus a trophy wife. I like that it looks worse than console.
Nobody's actually getting upset about others turning down the settings, because the people who don't turn down the setting don't actually give that much of a toss if you've given yourself an advantage. Those people understand that it's just a computer game. The only people whose "jimmies are rustled" in here are the sensitive folk who turn the settings down. There's no need to be so defensive about it, it's OK. You're going to be OK.

You able to read ok? :D

Only one side are dishing out the "get a life" comments and making a big song and dance about people who do it, the other side are laughing at them and their retarded comments about it being 'cheating' :D

I can almost taste those salty tears :D

I purposely got a 1080 to play this at low settings with mesh at ultra. The above average k/d ratio you can get gives you instant friends for life, recognition in the street, a salary through YouTube plus a trophy wife. I like that it looks worse than console.

Have you not learnt yet.... It is about separating the pros from the casuals, I think the CFA guys need to pay a visit to some servers and separate the boys from the men, they seem to be slacking since bf 4 :D
Have you not learnt yet.... It is about separating the pros from the casuals, I think the CFA guys need to pay a visit to some servers and separate the boys from the men, they seem to be slacking since bf 4 :D

I heard they were all past it now, too slow for pro.. :p
I wish they would fix some of the irritating bugs regarding infantry combat. The lean function can be utterly worthless as a lot of the time you end up shooting the thing you're supposedly leaning around. Happens quite a lot with scoped rifles, you lean around it, fire and immediately see a hit mark appearing on the edge of it despite the fact the scoped view says you're clear of it.

Same thing when you're prone, sometimes little ledges end up taking the shot, but again your scoped view suggests you're clear of it.

I can almost taste those salty tears :D

Add that to the list of retarded terms i see in chat all the time.
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You able to read ok? :D

Only one side are dishing out the "get a life" comments and making a big song and dance about people who do it, the other side are laughing at them and their retarded comments about it being 'cheating' :D

I can almost taste those salty tears :D

Have you not learnt yet.... It is about separating the pros from the casuals, I think the CFA guys need to pay a visit to some servers and separate the boys from the men, they seem to be slacking since bf 4 :D

Thank you for making my point.
I must be getting trolled now :D

By any chance are you also one of these casuals aka bad players, that blames every one/thing but themselves for being well... bad? :D

Overwatch season 3 started bye bye bf1 for a few weeks. :)

Surprised you have lasted this long with bf 1 tbh :p

Have the other cG guys not got bored of it already?
Yea kawusa gone back to csgo and bites bored now too..

Playing thru blood and wine witcher 3 dlc aswell atm... incredible game.. and ow for mp fix..
I must be getting trolled now :D

By any chance are you also one of these casuals aka bad players, that blames every one/thing but themselves for being well... bad? :D

Surprised you have lasted this long with bf 1 tbh :p

Have the other cG guys not got bored of it already?

No. However you've been trolling this thread for months, as though you're some kind of battlefield celebrity.
Well, I've put a few hours into this now, purely in multiplayer, and I honestly think I may have wasted my money. Don't get me wrong, the game graphically looks great, the concept and time period is different and refreshing, but it just doesn't work for me. I buy games nowadays solely for the purpose of multiplayer gaming with some of my mates. When I play this with them, we have a few good laughs and funny moments, but overall it isn't a "fun" experience for me.

Maybe I just can't get used to the game, I don't know. The last Battlefield I played was 4 (which wasn't an awful lot) and 3 before that (did play a lot of this). Those games were to me very good examples of what Battlefield was all about. Battlefield 1 I can only liken to a slightly larger-scale Call of Duty with a couple of token vehicles thrown in to "spice things up". From what I've experienced on public servers, both small and large population, hardcore and casual, operations and quick matches - there is sod all teamwork. I've lost count of the times I've been shot next to a medic and he stands there doing nothing. Or the amount of support people that don't dispense ammo. Or the sheer number of people that capture one flag, realise they've lost the last and run like sheep over to that, only to lose the first again ad infinitum. What gives? Is it because I've started playing over a month after release? Has everyone else stopped playing and the only people left are either try-hards or people that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving alone with a plastic bag?

The gun handling mechanics seem poor. I seem to have no issue going down within milliseconds of coming across another player in CQB yet end up expending well over half a mag trying to kill them. I seem to get hit in quick succession without any issues, yet I never seem to get successive shots to hit on other people at both close and long ranges. Sure, it takes a while to get used to how the weapons behave etc, but I am most definitely not a bad shot when it comes to FPS games and get easily stressed and infuriated by my apparent inability to land hits. Heck, even watching gameplay videos of people with the same guns etc is making me question what the hell is going on. It's almost like playing on an american server, despite a relatively consistent 35ms to most servers. The guns just seem seriously unbalanced to me, but then I haven't exactly poured time into it yet.

This just isn't a game I can pick-up and play by myself on a public server and enjoy it, and that's a real shame.
No. However you've been trolling this thread for months, as though you're some kind of battlefield celebrity.

Well it sure does seem like you are, it's nothing to be ashamed of, there are many casuals on the BF :D If you want, I could teach you how to 'git gud'? First, you have to drop all your settings to low except mesh to get the 'pro' status.

But... I am a battlefield celebrity, everyone wishes they could play like I do :cool: Are you jelly? :D
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