*** Battlefield 1 ***

I have already pre-ordered twirly :) No point in waiting for any reviews or feedback as I KNOW that this game is going to be


All those youtubers who have some "sponsored by ronku/EA logo" in their videos said so, they wouldn't lie especially my favourite xfactor, so dreamy....

Besides, I love paying for my goods without knowing exactly what I am getting into, got to live life on the edge yo! Games these days are superb on launch, gone are the days of crap console ports and its not like we ever have any problems anyway. The developers/publishers are great too, they listen and do what we want. Also, most importantly, it means that I can now fap over the icon sitting in my origin library :D

People have already fapped over the trailer.


Fapping over the icon in Origin will make them go blind. :eek:
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Dear OCUK,

I'm sorry but I have to admit it....I have just pre-ordered...I saw the deal on CDKEYS.com and I could not resits....I'm down £28.49 but I knew that I would be in the end no matter how much I frighted the urge....just to try and protect myself from your scorn I would like to say the last 2 games I have pre-ordered are BF3 and BF4 and really did like them...I did not get drawn into the whole BFHL or Battlefront rubbish.....

Thanks and please don't treat me too harshly....I will still try all Beta ect with my eyes open.....
Dear OCUK,

I'm sorry but I have to admit it....I have just pre-ordered...I saw the deal on CDKEYS.com and I could not resits....I'm down £28.49 but I knew that I would be in the end no matter how much I frighted the urge....just to try and protect myself from your scorn I would like to say the last 2 games I have pre-ordered are BF3 and BF4 and really did like them...I did not get drawn into the whole BFHL or Battlefront rubbish.....

Thanks and please don't treat me too harshly....I will still try all Beta ect with my eyes open.....
The fact that you feel any urge or need to apologize to other people for buying something is really, really sad. Not on your part necessarily, but on this sort of misguided and mass shaming of pre-orders in general.

That's a good deal man. I might have to think about it, too.
Meh, not gonna get my hopes up.

Yeah, I honestly don't know what the fuss is all about just yet. Can we atleast wait until the beta? Don't want to be a victim of the hype train, only to be let down yet again.

I was REALLY looking forward to Battlefront. Love Star Wars, love Battlefield, what could possibly go wrong, right?! It's like making cheese on toast. How can you **** up so badly?! :confused:
The fact that you feel any urge or need to apologize to other people for buying something is really, really sad. Not on your part necessarily, but on this sort of misguided and mass shaming of pre-orders in general.

That's a good deal man. I might have to think about it, too.

It depends on the situation. The bulk of the preorder hate came about after the catastrophic launch of bf4 and related games and also before a good refunds system.

Pre order culture encouraged developers to spend more on making the game look good rather than be good. Whereas the consumer got little to nothing in return for their risky investment.

This specific example isn't too bad as we will have an opportunity to cancel the order before launch. We will also be able to test the game in beta phases and I'm sure that everyone will be far more critical of the game after the abortion of bf4.
95 percent of us here will buy. 90 percent will probably moan about bugs and spend many hundreds of hrs moaning about it :p

i will buy and play. i expect bugs from bf games.its almost guaranteed :D

generally they are fun though.
In this rare instance i'm glad I've ordered on Origin rather than CD-keys because Origins refund service is pretty generous.

You can play the game and ask for a refund within 24 hours.
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