*** Battlefield 1 ***

I hate the Autoloading 8.35. :o

Trying to o unlock one of the medic rifles. The 15 kills in a round thing I'm finding hard with this gun.

I managed it once but then didn't have the 75 heals. Now I've got the heals closest I've got to 15 kills is 13..... The gun is horrible. Even hitting stationary targets are hard. Add to the fact that the target is also trying to shoot me it becomes very hard.

Frustrating. I don't want to use this crappy gun anymore but need 15 kills before I can move on. :mad:
I hate the Autoloading 8.35. :o
Haha, I had the same issue. The extended is usable, but 5 rounds in the standard is a PITA. Even worse as I initially missed the "in a round" part :rolleyes: The best way for me was to play a map with a few choke points (French Lockers, Argonne etc) as even "assist counts as kill" count towards the 15 kills. Good luck!
I hate the Autoloading 8.35. :o

Trying to o unlock one of the medic rifles. The 15 kills in a round thing I'm finding hard with this gun.

I managed it once but then didn't have the 75 heals. Now I've got the heals closest I've got to 15 kills is 13..... The gun is horrible. Even hitting stationary targets are hard. Add to the fact that the target is also trying to shoot me it becomes very hard.

Frustrating. I don't want to use this crappy gun anymore but need 15 kills before I can move on. :mad:

According to the data and the observations from the "competitive"* players it's one of the best guns in the game, you need to adjust your tactics and only try to take on one player at a time. It has very low recoil and spread and is a guaranteed kill with 3 body shots upto 45 m, so it lends itself to spamming at one target (you only need 3 of your 5 shots to hit), then dive for cover to reload. You shouldn't try to run point with it.

BTW are you sure you need the 75 heals in the same round (I bet you don't).

* There is no competitive scene in BF1 hence the quotes. There are however players who are competitive CSGO, overwatch, BF3 etc players who play bf1.

On a different subject, there's a very interesting youtube vid ravic did recently which although it doesn't have much commentary probably contains enough swearing for me not to link it, but it shows quite clearly just how bad suppression is in this game.
The summary is that when he is suppressed as one of the best shots in the game, he has learnt to deliberately shoot to one side of the 3d spot to compensate for the fact the bullet isn't going to go where he's pointing the gun. He seems to be getting ~50% headshots now when suppressed by deliberately "missing".

It explains a lot of what I find so frustrating in this game and what a lot of people would describe as random hit reg. Sure there's lag as well, but the suppression system in bf1 is as bad or maybe even worse than it was in bf3. IMO it must go. Increasing gun sway or spread is one thing, deliberately bending the barrel is another..
Support is about to become the "meta" anyway if ammo v2 comes to regular bf1 as assault class players will be relying on them a lot more, so points for suppression aren't necessary.
According to the data and the observations from the "competitive"* players it's one of the best guns in the game, you need to adjust your tactics and only try to take on one player at a time. It has very low recoil and spread and is a guaranteed kill with 3 body shots upto 45 m, so it lends itself to spamming at one target (you only need 3 of your 5 shots to hit), then dive for cover to reload. You shouldn't try to run point with it.

BTW are you sure you need the 75 heals in the same round (I bet you don't).

* There is no competitive scene in BF1 hence the quotes. There are however players who are competitive CSGO, overwatch, BF3 etc players who play bf1.

On a different subject, there's a very interesting youtube vid ravic did recently which although it doesn't have much commentary probably contains enough swearing for me not to link it, but it shows quite clearly just how bad suppression is in this game.
The summary is that when he is suppressed as one of the best shots in the game, he has learnt to deliberately shoot to one side of the 3d spot to compensate for the fact the bullet isn't going to go where he's pointing the gun. He seems to be getting ~50% headshots now when suppressed by deliberately "missing".

It explains a lot of what I find so frustrating in this game and what a lot of people would describe as random hit reg. Sure there's lag as well, but the suppression system in bf1 is as bad or maybe even worse than it was in bf3. IMO it must go.
Support is about to become the "meta" anyway if ammo v2 comes to regular bf1 as assault class players will be relying on them a lot more, so points for suppression aren't necessary.

The 75 heals is across multiple rounds. You need 15 kills in a round.

My issue is I usually miss with the first two shoots. Even if you miss with just one of the first two, you've now got 3 rounds left needing two more hits.

Small margin of error.

It's not my kind of gun as I'm not accurate enough.
The 75 heals is across multiple rounds. You need 15 kills in a round.

That's what I expected. Thank **** I don't have to get 15 headshots with the mp18 optical in one round. The correct way to use it (according to marbleduck) is to go for the headshot with the first shot (the most accurate shot), and then ride down as the spread and recoil kick in to finish your kill with a body shot. That's the most effective way of using the gun, however to get the "headshot kill" the last shot needs to be the headshot which is why this is hard.
On a different subject, there's a very interesting youtube vid ravic did recently which although it doesn't have much commentary probably contains enough swearing for me not to link it, but it shows quite clearly just how bad suppression is in this game.
The summary is that when he is suppressed as one of the best shots in the game, he has learnt to deliberately shoot to one side of the 3d spot to compensate for the fact the bullet isn't going to go where he's pointing the gun. He seems to be getting ~50% headshots now when suppressed by deliberately "missing".

Yeah, I watched that video too, highlights the broken suppression well. Ravic is my favourite BF content producer, no BS and a god like player. His chat reactions are also hilarious. There is one from Battlefront where a guy just writes "Ravic is on drugs" :D
The MP18 is the worst assignment ever, it look me less time to unlock all the other new guns together than it did to do just that one.

It seemed to click with me last night and I completed the assignment. The m1909 benet-mercie telescopic however.. I love the BAR (use as an assault rifle), I understand the lewis gun supressive (low TTK, but good at medium range, just keep your finger down until it becomes accurate), but this gun seems to run out of bullets just as it's about to get accurate and doesn't seem to want to be used as an assault rifle. I'm sure I'll get it eventually..
A bit unimpressed they focused on infantry and away from Conquest it seems. The levels look outstanding, incredible even.

It's not necessarily all infantry, some of the new operations modes are heavily vehicle orientated, and vehicles do exist in frontlines, but air does not.

The new maps however do (at least superficially) seem to be balanced for frontlines and operations game modes rather than conquest. This is familiar to anyone who's followed the last few generations of BF, BFBC2 was all about rush, conquest was an afterthought. BF3 was where the shift away from rush and towards conquest started, by bf4 rush was very unbalanced on most maps (largely due to the excess of cheese weapons rather than just the map design), conquest was going strong and towards the end maps designed for chainlink started to appear. They also pushed domination and obliteration as their attempts at "competitive" options

BFHLs still had a bit of conquest to entice the bf4 players, but focused on the cops and robbers modes more. SWBF if you include it in the BF timeline brought a game mode which is essentially frontlines along with a return to a rush style game, but this time the maps were deliberately unbalanced and the behemoth appears for the first time.

BF1 tries to keep conquest going, but is like SWBF and BFHLs a vehicle for exploring new game modes with war pigeons as an attempt at competitive.

Frontlines can be fun (when it's close but you are winning), but can also be an excruciating experience if you end up in perpetual deadlock, or you end up on the team with no clue whatsoever..

Ultimately I think DICE know that conquest doesn't work as a competitive game, mostly because you need at least 16 players/team to make it work, and I don't know of any competitive game which expects 16 individuals to turn up at once and act as a coherent team. Because of this it's treated as the "fun trolling" mode and they'll only put so much effort into balancing it.
Haha, I had the same issue. The extended is usable, but 5 rounds in the standard is a PITA. Even worse as I initially missed the "in a round" part :rolleyes: The best way for me was to play a map with a few choke points (French Lockers, Argonne etc) as even "assist counts as kill" count towards the 15 kills. Good luck!

Finally done it! No more suffering with that gun any more! :p
So who here is running the game in DX12 mode and what cpu/gpu are you using?

Currently my 3570k and 970 it's a stuttery mess. I will be upgrading to my 1700 Ryzen over the weekend but will keep the same gpu.

Then I'll see if I can turn on DX12.
So who here is running the game in DX12 mode and what cpu/gpu are you using?

Currently my 3570k and 970 it's a stuttery mess. I will be upgrading to my 1700 Ryzen over the weekend but will keep the same gpu.

Then I'll see if I can turn on DX12.

Good luck with that. You know DX12 would help your old CPU if anything, and hamper your 970. i don't know why your so obsessed with it
Frontlines can be fun (when it's close but you are winning), but can also be an excruciating experience if you end up in perpetual deadlock, or you end up on the team with no clue whatsoever..

I've played 4 games of Frontlines. The last game of Frontlines lasted for 2 hours and 15 mins. Went from one spawn right to the other then back again (luckily we won, I'd have really raged over a loss lol). Given I mostly get a hour here or there, the idea of potentially being stuck in game lasting that long and potentially having to quit mid game really puts me off.
Good luck with that. You know DX12 would help your old CPU if anything, and hamper your 970. i don't know why your so obsessed with it

I'm not just want to know if it's working for anyone or just broken in the game itself.

It's a consideration for future purchases.

So I would like to know can AMD users use DX12 in BF1 what about Nvidia 10 series owners?
I'm not just want to know if it's working for anyone or just broken in the game itself.

It's a consideration for future purchases.

So I would like to know can AMD users use DX12 in BF1 what about Nvidia 10 series owners?

I don't know any Nvidia users using dx12 in this game. DX 11 is running faster and smoother with no IQ loss.
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