Battlefield 2 USS Essex AA Gun Turrets...dreaming?

11 Nov 2005
I thought i say someone using the forward AA gun turret last night (by the radar etc), whenever I have tried it to get into it, it doesn't work. Like its a dummy or just for show. But last night I swear i saw someone using it... Is this possible or was I dreaming? :confused:

If so how do you get into it. I can use the rear one by the deck no problem.
Thats how i would have thought it works as the rear gun turret just down from the flight deck works like that. But the other turret i just kept pressing E and ... nothing happens. Its odd.
gunner said:
Thats how i would have thought it works as the rear gun turret just down from the flight deck works like that. But the other turret i just kept pressing E and ... nothing happens. Its odd.

If its anything like being in a vehicle then you may need to use the FKeys to change posi.
Andr3w said:
can you get a screenshot of the one you mean?

Sorry i dont have a screenshot. But I am talking about the one towards the bow of the ship, raise up slightly. I have NO problem getting into the rear one, climb down the ladder walk 2 steps and press E. The other one I jump about and stuff pressing E wildly and... nothing?
There are two AA emplacements on the carrier. One at the very end which is easy to get to, and one near the UAV van at the other end.

To get into the one near the UAV van, simply press the usual button when standing next to the missile launchers. I don't think it works near the chainguns. That being said, it might be the other way around.
The second one most certainly does work - as numberous times i've killed aircraft with it and they've been completely bamboozled as they just blew the other one sky high :p :D

I just go up the ladder to the UAV and then up the other ladder near that and walk forward and jump over the railing and 'into' the radar dome thingy ontop of the minigun :)
Brilliant!! Thanks guys I didn't think I was going mad. And I definately saw machine gun fire coming from that turret. Nobody ever seems to use it? Thanks again!
gunner said:
Brilliant!! Thanks guys I didn't think I was going mad. And I definately saw machine gun fire coming from that turret. Nobody ever seems to use it? Thanks again!

I think thats because no one knows how to use it properly :p

At least thats the case whenever I've been on a server. They just sit in it failing to shoot anything down and out team can't even get off the carrier because of the enemy jets (provided they are a good team).
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