Battlefield 2142 Beta signup

Lucky im a subscriber to fileplanet then, i am really intrested in the titan mode as i believe its something Bf 2 lacks is an objective, its one of the things im good at, am only an average shooter not racking up tons of kills, but with objectives i can get quite a few. :D
Bah, no chance of me playing this then, slightly annoyed but they have to provide some extra perks to Fileplanet subs I suppose =/
so much for an open beta...

is it not possible to buy like 1 month fileplanet account? i would happily pay 5 dollars for this, but im not paying for 3 months.
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What i actually think is going to happen is the subscribers will get it a week maybe 2 before a general release, yea fileplanet do do a 1 month sub its nearly $7
They tried to pull the same thing with the BF2 demo on GameSpot. :rolleyes:

However when the download actually became available, it could be downloaded (for free) from several sources including EA own servers. :p
Its a public beta, therefore whats the point in this? Fileplanet users might get it an hour or two before everyone else, but you cant have an open beta where only certain people can download it. It defeats the whole object of it being an open beta.
Datamonkey said:
probably will be released to the world,

but at least us fileplanet subscribers will be able to download it ;) lol

Their servers will be so overloaded I'll probably get it somewhere else before fileplanet can get it out to subscribers ;)
Deliverance said:
Its a public beta, therefore whats the point in this? Fileplanet users might get it an hour or two before everyone else, but you cant have an open beta where only certain people can download it. It defeats the whole object of it being an open beta.

It was supposed to be open to BF2 players only, instead you going to end up with any old FP subscriber giving feedback on something they haven't any real experience of. :rolleyes:
Only real benefit these days for a FilePlanet subscription is the guarantee of fast downloads and some beta testing especially for MMORPGs. Only reason I got it was I signed up for the IGN part instead of a normal magazine subscription.

I don't see the problem with limited testing to begin with as eventually everyone will get the same download.
"coming soon" famous last words in the pc industry, could mean a few days or a few weeks. :(

Im hoping for friday but i doubt it.

Oh and if this game contains the same "prone spamming" retarded bs as bf2 im gonna presonally firebomb dice hq. Had enough of people whoring exploits and being generally as cheap as possible in bf2 to put me off it for good. :mad:
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it will hit bit torrent in no time.

but they really should fix bf2. if 2142 is gonna have the same issues as bf2 then they can go jack :D :D
It gave me a final reason to subscribe, i've been thinking of doing so for months, we'll see how it goes.

TBH, its a load of rubbish making it subscriber only, after they said it was going to help address issues before the release of the game itself, its just another way to make money.
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