Battlefield 2142 new movie

Wee said:
Blimey, didn't think i'd get so much stick for stating the attitude of the gamers that believe this is nothing more than BF2 MOD. I didn't say anywhere that i felt the game was nothing but a half cooked MOD, did I?

Calm down dont feed the trolls, EA are notorious for flogging dead horses ;)
think the game is looking very cool right now ... i can understand why people say its a mod .... as lets be honest this game is very similar to bf2 and other than the new game mode could be considered your standard mod

but then i seriously doubt this will cost £40 ... when was the last time a game cost £40!? i got bf2 for about £25

Definately lookin forward to the customising of your character ..... planetside was a pimpin game and i am totally looking forward to kitting out my character exactly how i want him to be done
tbh i had the same attitude that bf 2142 looked like a MOD for bf2.

my view has changed significantly, and im really looking forward to this game.
im glad they are using 'bullets' instead of 'lasers' , the whole Dog-Tag thing sounds fun collecting them, its not conquest ala bf2, and it promotes most importantly 'teamplay' with squads gaining temp unlocks and career points etc

the beta is rumoured to be out this month, hopefully
Do you reckon that if you can run BF2 and the add-ons at pretty high settings then you should be able to run this OK.

I hope so, 'cause it's looking bloody damn good from where I'm sitting.
eekfek said:
tbh i had the same attitude that bf 2142 looked like a MOD for bf2.

my view has changed significantly, and im really looking forward to this game.
im glad they are using 'bullets' instead of 'lasers' , the whole Dog-Tag thing sounds fun collecting them, its not conquest ala bf2, and it promotes most importantly 'teamplay' with squads gaining temp unlocks and career points etc

the beta is rumoured to be out this month, hopefully

Yes teamplay is the way forward... if they push that then it will be a great game... if it stays as it is in bf2 with people running around on their own like n00bs then it will be the same old game
eekfek said:
theres some new footage and insight into the game and weapons

'developer video' download it 195mb or stream in a small window .

i must say i wasnt exactly bowled over by this game a few months ago, but with bf2 getting a bit stale, im looking forward to it now. the beta is due any day from Aug.

Stable? Lol. Like last nite when I had the bug which made 4 of my team mates show as red: when I looked at them, on the UAV and also when I pressed tab!? :rolleyes:

Also, 3 of my friends that play keep crashing out into windows for some unknown reason (apparently coz the 1.3 incremental patch is ******) and it's not their PCs, as they play everything else fine. Luckily, I only got BF2 recently and I had to install the full patch, no random kickouts touchwood.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to BF2142 but I just wish they'd sort out BF2 first.
Wee said:
Blimey, didn't think i'd get so much stick for stating the attitude of the gamers that believe this is nothing more than BF2 MOD. I didn't say anywhere that i felt the game was nothing but a half cooked MOD, did I?

Sorry, didn't mean to sound harsh :p I do see your point

I don't even like BF2 after all the problems I had with it so really doubt I'll get this.
Ace of Spades said:
Calm down dont feed the trolls, EA are notorious for flogging dead horses ;)
Please mate take your cynicism elsewhere, heard it all before thanks.
i think in all my gaming bf2 has crashed maybe half a dozen times.... it is the pc that is at fault not the game ... most probably drivers

Sure some hardware just doesn't like some games.. this is a problem you always risk when playing on a pc, i got oblivion a while ago ... completely unplayable for no reason as my pc is easily good enough to play it

just lucky my bf2 works to keep me entertained :D
79 posts and you're adding people to your ingnore list already, maybe an OcUK record ;)


Hmm well as i can post safely in the knowledge that no toys will be thrown from prams in reply what is the deal lately with this idea that any game released on a game engine is a mod? After having watched the 2142 videos and read stuff saying bf2142 is a mod is just stupid.

Just like to add this forum seems to be full of inverted trolls lately(ace of spades stand up) pick an arguement then make it look like you've backed out because you're too big for it. Seriously people that have to try to hurt other people to gain acceptance (which they never do) are boring.
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Video was interesting, looking good and as im an avid fan of the BF series ill certainly be getting it, even though I have never really been into the whole futuristic setting.

My only concern at the moment from the videos is the amount of icons on the screen, in BF2 you can press ALT to get rid of some of them, but still on servers with lots of people, if a bunch of players are grouped together, all you can see if a load of name tags which is very annoying.

After watching that video, I couldnt help but notice how cluttered the screen is with random icons everywhere, and they aren't static so when you move they move, this looks bloody annoying, just like it is in BF2
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