Battlefield 2142 Trailer

from planetbattlefield
A video was released on the internet showcasing Battlefield 2142. This video was sent to PC Gamer. It appears to be the opening movie/sequence for Battlefield 2142. I'm sure we can expect a lot more news on this when the time is closer to E3.

Update: There will be more details of this game in the May 2006 Issue of PC Gamer.
wooo.. lol, could be quite good
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Dj_Jestar said:
There is nothing realistic in any of the existing games, except for the names used for equipment.

a tank, jet, chopper,soldier etc is more believable than a flying saucer, alien or crazy plasma gun
geeza said:
a tank, jet, chopper,soldier etc is more believable than a flying saucer, alien or crazy plasma gun
So using any of the vehicles available in BF2, you class that as realistic?

damn there are some hella grumpy people in this thread... i thought that looked totally awesome and defintely look forward to playing it, am actually serious in case anyone's sarcasm detector was about to overload :)
Weebull said:
As Jenk said, it's pretty much the names that keep the Battlefield games "realistic". Do you really think choppers are that easy to fly? Or RPGs so easy to use and take down vehicles with, or tanks so easy to operate?

Well actually remember the average US squaddie has to grapple with the concept of a trigger so I guess that they are pretty easy to fly, shoot, drive and crash. ;)
Thing is, most people I know prefer the tight city maps and this looks like a step in totally different direction with all that armor.
That's a fair point actually. It didn't look to me from the short trailer that it was going to be completely mech and tanks though, there did seem to be some place for infantry fighting, so maybe they'll have some smaller maps on it. :)

geeza said:
a tank, jet, chopper,soldier etc is more believable than a flying saucer, alien or crazy plasma gun

Tell you what, download some custom models for BF2 (if you can). Replace a helicopter model with a flying saucer. Does the game play any differently? You could just as easily do the opposite for this game if it really bothered you that much, but I don't see why it should.
It looks great.

but the problem not bf2142, the problem is BF2, I’m still haunted by the terrible state the game came out in and since then with patching it has became unplayable for me.

so i will be very very reluctant to buy this game.
Nieldo said:
Looks a bit meh. Hype factor on a scale of 1-10 right now is...

1 :S

Exactly. EA and DICE must be kicking themselves in the head. PR mess. This is a perfect example of how not to unveil a game. Unfortunately its obvious that their exclusive with PC GAMER ruined their unveiling. They cant do anything for a while at least and no one else can post better media or information. So basically they cant reply or present anything.

The negativity is perfectly deserved. People need to be spoonfed information properly. A poor blurry trailer is not going to do the job. I also think this doesnt bode well for games magazines. Since this was an exclusive magazine unveiling. Better to go with a a website next time ;) Sorry PCGAMER.
i also think that EA are trying to cram another BF game down our throats when we're still playing BF2. bad move.

seeing as they will keep making a killing with these should-be-free-but-aren't-booster-packs, and the fact that many people (ie, me) will be unhappy with everyone deserting our current favorite game (BF2) in favour of a different game...

i still think its just an attempt at getting back at Microsoft for Halo...
I have seen more than enough recent time warfare shooters now so i don't even bother to look anymore, i think that going overly realistic is making them less fun imho, my last favourite was sof2 which had a really good balance between the realism e.g. gore, weapons, accuracy, bodily hit points, gun fire spray etc and fun.

In games like css and maybe battlefield the move towards more realism is making the game seem like work, i miss the instant respawning and fun of the kill but all this realism means having to be so careful for fear dieing and waiting 15+ seconds to respawn or until the round has ended.

Anyway i think this new battlefield looks ok and most futuristic stuff is quite believable, its not something i would rush out to buy coming from ea, I've only played 1942 and remember that was slow, buggy and had overly large file sizes in patches and mods.
Cmon guys, from that footage at the mo it just looks like a mod. As already said its just EA shoving a game down our throat to get some cash.
Datamonkey said:

Anything with big stompey robots in is FOR THE WIN (since f t w gets starred)!!!

I need a mech fix and need it now!! :D

You know they will nurf the crap outa them right? :)
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