Battlefield 3 Crossfire Problems

20 Feb 2009
Hey Guys,

Finally got Battlefield 3 installed but i'm unable to play it properly, I can load up the game with crossfire enabled and it run but when I set the graphics to ultra it crashes, now the game won't load unless I turn crossfire off.

I'm running a 2600K @ 4.6Ghz, 2x 6950 ( flashed ) 4 gig Dominator ram on Asrock Z68 Pro gen 3.

Anyone able to run on ultra with crossfire ? If so whats drivers ect are you using, i'm on latest ones 11.10 v3 with latest caps :(
The crossfire drivers are borked by all accounts. The game will run sweet with one 6950, so I would recommend doing as such until they fix them.
The drivers really do suck, I wish they could actully get something right for release. Well what i've just work out is that if you run the game in crossfire with latest drivers and caps you can run it on ultra but you have to disable DEFERRED AA, It looks amazing on all accounts tbh and it's running seriously fast. I'm just gonna stick to this until they actully fix the drivers. First RAGE then this. Meh.
The drivers really do suck, I wish they could actully get something right for release. Well what i've just work out is that if you run the game in crossfire with latest drivers and caps you can run it on ultra but you have to disable DEFERRED AA, It looks amazing on all accounts tbh and it's running seriously fast. I'm just gonna stick to this until they actully fix the drivers. First RAGE then this. Meh.

My single 1GB 5870 can run the game on high. This game is nowhere near as taxing as the graphics would lead you to believe.
I'm getting really cheesed off with ATI and their XFire drivers, not one game comes out that will just work "out of the box" :(

my game always crashes when changing AA settings within game, but it plays fine on the settings it has ( ultra @ 1920 x 1080 ) If I dont change anything

latest preview drivers with cap 4
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