Hey Guys,
Finally got Battlefield 3 installed but i'm unable to play it properly, I can load up the game with crossfire enabled and it run but when I set the graphics to ultra it crashes, now the game won't load unless I turn crossfire off.
I'm running a 2600K @ 4.6Ghz, 2x 6950 ( flashed ) 4 gig Dominator ram on Asrock Z68 Pro gen 3.
Anyone able to run on ultra with crossfire ? If so whats drivers ect are you using, i'm on latest ones 11.10 v3 with latest caps
Finally got Battlefield 3 installed but i'm unable to play it properly, I can load up the game with crossfire enabled and it run but when I set the graphics to ultra it crashes, now the game won't load unless I turn crossfire off.
I'm running a 2600K @ 4.6Ghz, 2x 6950 ( flashed ) 4 gig Dominator ram on Asrock Z68 Pro gen 3.
Anyone able to run on ultra with crossfire ? If so whats drivers ect are you using, i'm on latest ones 11.10 v3 with latest caps