Battlefield 3 leaving DX 9 behind

Hopefully it'll stop people whining like in the other thread.

thing is

most of the criticism of BC2 didnt center around its graphics.

It was about gameplay, which the above article does little to address. If anything, it confirms its going to have most of the same problems as BC2 because they said they wont make 2 different games - thus implying the PC version will have the same game mechanics as the console version.
Great! I have Vista on my Laptop that won't run BFBC2 due to its on-board GFX yet XP in my desktop machine that has a GTX260 that will!

The day of forced O.S. upgrade is drawing near......

Being forced to upgrade from a 9 year old OS so a game can take advantage of new technology? How dare they!
Sounds like good news, if true. I felt the engine was the thing letting Battlefield down most.
thing is

most of the criticism of BC2 didnt center around its graphics.

It was about gameplay, which the above article does little to address. If anything, it confirms its going to have most of the same problems as BC2 because they said they wont make 2 different games - thus implying the PC version will have the same game mechanics as the console version.

The gameplay of BC2 was due to the nature of the maps, they were very linear and boring after a while, the game itself isn't bad. BF is about big battles on open maps with lots of people, not with fewer people and the action to be focal to a few points on the map in 1 time. Gameplay aspects for BC were from the original, they wanted a slightly more focal point on infantry and smaller maps as opposed to the massive scale things you saw with BF, I'm sure DICE will remain true to some of its old BF2 aspects, while introducing some new things as well.
I like BC2 but it always seems laggy and unresponsive no matter the settings (with a 260 gtx 216). If they sort that out I'd enjoy it more :-)

Looking forward to bf3 personally :-) (If I ever get the time to play it with a baby lol)
Looks like I won't be playing this then. I like XP too much. Never been a big fan of Battlefield games anyway. But it will be interesting to see how good the graphics are on this.
So will BF3 still have DX10?

Looks like I won't be playing this then. I like XP too much. Never been a big fan of Battlefield games anyway. But it will be interesting to see how good the graphics are on this.

You've got to upgrade some time........
I don't have any reason to upgrade really. The only games I'm going to be playing for the next few years are Starcraft 2 and TF2. As for software, I don't see the need to upgrade from what I'm using now.
Maybe the reason Fredrik and others from DICE have now left is that the direction of the game has changed?

I remain extremely skeptical. However from some of their site polls which show BF1942 (followed by BF2) as the most popular Battlefield franchise, I have hopes they will deliver :)
I don't have any reason to upgrade really. The only games I'm going to be playing for the next few years are Starcraft 2 and TF2. As for software, I don't see the need to upgrade from what I'm using now.

You realise it probably won't be *too* long before hardware manufacturers stop supporting XP. Then you'll HAVE to upgrade if you change hardware for example.
So will BF3 still have DX10?

DX10 cards will play DX11 games too, just without hardware tesselation :) A good example of this is the Cataclysm beta which has a DX11 setting but DX10 cards see benefits from it too.

You realise it probably won't be *too* long before hardware manufacturers stop supporting XP. Then you'll HAVE to upgrade if you change hardware for example.

They only dropped support for Windows 98 a year or so ago. And there are literally millions of businesses the world over which still use XP as the main OS simply because it's expensive to license new systems along with the technical support for it, the program compatibilties, and so on. XP is here to stay.
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It's hard to say then what will happen, but they've said it is clear with them fans want the classic stuff. Perhaps PC players will get their own maps, or maybe console maps will be based on the PC maps but scaled down considerably -- both seem like entirely plausible scenarios.

Or maybe both will be exactly the same :p

Most of this is just the article writers optimism.
They only dropped support for Windows 98 a year or so ago. And there are literally millions of businesses the world over which still use XP as the main OS simply because it's expensive to license new systems along with the technical support for it, the program compatibilties, and so on. XP is here to stay.

I'll eat my hat if the latest gaming-grade graphics cards and super soundcards are getting XP support in 3 years from now.

As you say, XP is still used extensively but hardware manus can be selecting on providing XP support as this can be used to optimise costs. To create XP drivers for the future NVIDIA GTX 870XXTurboSuper means additional effort, which means additional cost.
The gameplay of BC2 was due to the nature of the maps, they were very linear and boring after a while, the game itself isn't bad. BF is about big battles on open maps with lots of people, not with fewer people and the action to be focal to a few points on the map in 1 time. Gameplay aspects for BC were from the original, they wanted a slightly more focal point on infantry and smaller maps as opposed to the massive scale things you saw with BF, I'm sure DICE will remain true to some of its old BF2 aspects, while introducing some new things as well.

that article does little to confirm its going back to proper PC based 64 player epic scale warfare.

Just "i'd like to go back to 64 player maps on the PC"

"would like" is very different to "we will bring back"

:( Fingers crossed i guess.
Man i really hope this is all true!

They will defo give us sum of the classic maps... there has been so many threads and posts about bringing karkand, wake, jalalalabad etc back!

My only concern is the after support they'll give. If iam honest i hope this ends up being a p2p!
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