It looks like Origin is down, I cannot log in at all, telling me that there is wrong ID or Password.
Do you guys have same problem?
try going to Origins home page and logging in, change your password there then try logging into the origin program again.
This is in part why I wouldnt pay all that money for what is just basically an add-on pack
*add on pack
nobody is forcing you to buy it, but we are amongst the cheapest in the UK.
if you want it, buy it and enjoy the superb new maps and game types along with all the perks and extras you get. In honesty, Close Quarters is worth it alone for me. Exciting, brilliantly designed maps and the new game modes are brilliant fun and add a lot to the game.
if you don't want to buy it, EA aren't going to come round to your house and shout at you.
I don't particularly like paying for DLC and dont bother doing it with most games but you need to remember that games developers do this for a living.
If you went to work to develop a product to have it given away for free, I would wager that you would be fairly upset.
They have created an expansion, a genuinely good one at that. If you don't want it then you don't have to buy it but moaning that it costs money is just silly and suggests that you haven't considered what is actually involved in creating a product.
Oh boy, just ordered mine now... Can't wait to play!
just had Helios on my msn telling me how excited you are
will get your code sorted asap