Hi, bf3 has been running really poor for me the las couple of days and cpu usage is away up at 100 percent, this is just a recent thing. anyone else got his prblem?
well as i said it only occured in the last couple of days, so i was wondering if it was maybe a software issue. Its a phenom2 550be and radeon 5750 1gb. Like i said its been running fine and now utter crap. really laggy and jumpy beyond any playability!
First step maybe check for spyware, it has been known to cause issues in games before. GPU temps? have you checked those in case the card is getting to hot, alos check CPU temps. Some mobos will throttle CPU's if it hits a certain temp.
Those temps seem fine to me. I'd say get driver sweeper, boot in to safe mode, remove all traces of the current drivers, boot back up, install previous version of drivers.
Sounds silly, but check that your graphics card is ramping up to the full clocks when you launch the game. I've got an issue where the game launches, but my 6950 only clocks up to about half of what I have the active profile as. Just have to tab out and re-apply the profile in Afterburner and it works fine.
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