Just ordered the 560Ti Direct CU II. Thanks Gibbo :-)

(BTW: After reading the review's the lack of Vram really didn't seem to hamper the card compared to it's more expensive fellow's).
Yes.. it went back up. Pretty significantly unfortunately. It was actually £157.99 with free delivery (including the batman game).

Incidently.. the card is not totally stable in Heaven 2.5 (slight artifacting). A small voltage bump sorted that, and I'm now also running it at 951\1902\4608 (up from 830\1660\4000) and it works flawlessly. (I must admit, I do wonder if I should RMA it due to the instability)
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I must confess, I'm even more tempted by the 560ti however is there any chance of a deal on the 570 or 580? £249 for the 570 and I'm dealing...

Come on boys... Stop teasing!

*ASUS Direct CU II models...
Can we get the 2gb msi gtx560ti twin frozr 2 with bf3 please!:D

Yeah, forget about the free copy of Arkham City. Chuck in a copy of BF3 at the current price (£210) instead and I'll buy one tonight.

Alternatively, a 1Gb Asus or MSI OC'd 560Ti with BF3 at £180 or less and it's a deal.
Hope someone from OCUK sees this:

When are you getting in stock of the official Asus 560Ti TOP bundle with Battlefield 3? I mean the one that's just been announced, not the one in the OP. Also, any word on a price?
Damnit! I was going to pre-order this bundle this morning and now it's off the site! Should have pulled the trigger sooner!

Any other similar deals coming up? I noticed that no 560Tis are on offer at the moment which is unusual.
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