Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

17 Jul 2010
Yeah, all mods and custom maps released for games were always terrible. That's why CS and L4D exist and god knows how many custom maps became the most widely used for esports and later adapted for games.

While I don't know personally about the quality of extra mods and maps for other games, and you could say that Dice not releasing mod tools for frostbite 2 was nothing but an attempt to get people to buy DLC they have said that Frostbite 2 is far more complex than any engine previously released. Dice employees number in the hundreds, how much do you think half a dozen bedroom codies could do even in two years? Also as its possibly the most powerful and flexible engine out there at the moment do Dice really want to release it so other studios can disassemble it and see how it works? Not really.
5 Jul 2009
While I don't know personally about the quality of extra mods and maps for other games, and you could say that Dice not releasing mod tools for frostbite 2 was nothing but an attempt to get people to buy DLC they have said that Frostbite 2 is far more complex than any engine previously released. Dice employees number in the hundreds, how much do you think half a dozen bedroom codies could do even in two years? Also as its possibly the most powerful and flexible engine out there at the moment do Dice really want to release it so other studios can disassemble it and see how it works? Not really.

just so you know those bedroom codies was hired by dice and game engines always get more complex that's nothing new I can guarantee that DICE have their own map editor tools that could easily be released to public for people to make better content with
20 Oct 2004
It has nothing to do with engine complexity and everything to do with control of the revenue stream. They decided they can't charge for a map pack when other people are producing them for free. It's slightly ironic that they ignore the fact that mods can prolong a games shelf life and vastly increase sales given that EA's sole concern is profit. You only need to see the effect DayZ had on Arma II sales to see how this can happen, similarly DC for 1942.

I don't think we've seen the full impact that DayZ has had on publishers / developers come to the surface yet though, certainly a lot took note of what was happening. How many minds were changed and to what degree though remains to be seen.
18 Oct 2002
West Yorks
id be annoyed if the product was advertised to come with batteries but didint.

just like BF3 was advertised to be a true sequel to BF2, biggest maps ever etc and wasnt...

What makes a true battlefield game is subjective. They didn't advertise it would have mod support or commander mode, people just assumed it would do because it was called Battlefield 3.
1 Jun 2006
It has nothing to do with engine complexity and everything to do with control of the revenue stream. They decided they can't charge for a map pack when other people are producing them for free. It's slightly ironic that they ignore the fact that mods can prolong a games shelf life and vastly increase sales given that EA's sole concern is profit. You only need to see the effect DayZ had on Arma II sales to see how this can happen, similarly DC for 1942.

I don't think we've seen the full impact that DayZ has had on publishers / developers come to the surface yet though, certainly a lot took note of what was happening. How many minds were changed and to what degree though remains to be seen.

actually think arma and how they managed dayz mod has steered them into a very powerful position. arma will steal a lot of players this year whod normal play cod or bf games. will be really interesting to see how the numbers translates. people are fed up of lack lustre just enough games.

the map tools could be done and with ea dice size it could have been done long ago but obvously as you said its all about the might dollar.

im actually waiting what console **** they try to pass off as pc content this october and see how many pc players swallow it like they did bf3.
Man of Honour
16 May 2005
While I don't know personally about the quality of extra mods and maps for other games, and you could say that Dice not releasing mod tools for frostbite 2 was nothing but an attempt to get people to buy DLC they have said that Frostbite 2 is far more complex than any engine previously released. Dice employees number in the hundreds, how much do you think half a dozen bedroom codies could do even in two years? Also as its possibly the most powerful and flexible engine out there at the moment do Dice really want to release it so other studios can disassemble it and see how it works? Not really.

Already replied to by LOAM and dmcg so I'll just add that it's clear that you don't really know what you're talking about. Nothing wrong with not knowing much about development or game engines but please don't sprout incorrect information.
1 Jun 2006
maps like in bf3 even with a small team of four or five working on every day would still probably take upto 6 months.

i cant say i really enjoyed the new dlc went on for motorbikes animations on them are not great the transitions from getting on back need work to slow.
17 Jun 2012
South Wales
actually think arma and how they managed dayz mod has steered them into a very powerful position. arma will steal a lot of players this year whod normal play cod or bf games. will be really interesting to see how the numbers translates. people are fed up of lack lustre just enough games.

the map tools could be done and with ea dice size it could have been done long ago but obvously as you said its all about the might dollar.

im actually waiting what console **** they try to pass off as pc content this october and see how many pc players swallow it like they did bf3.

Have you played ARMA? It is the typical COD player's nightmare, if the popular mods are quickly implemented then it will do well. But I can't see the average player switching from COD/BF3 to a milsim.
18 Oct 2012
Have you played ARMA? It is the typical COD player's nightmare, if the popular mods are quickly implemented then it will do well. But I can't see the average player switching from COD/BF3 to a milsim.

ARMA isn't fast paced enough for the COD and BF players. I regularly play both and don't see the problem. ARMA is technically the far better game but I like jumping on Battlefield for some fast paced fragging.
18 May 2010
I would like to see a game mode sort of like COH, where you fight over resources.

Like capture an airport and gain plans, capture a tank base, gain tanks, capture a barracks gain spawn credits etc.....
14 Oct 2009
I just don't understand why people whinge so badly about a gaming franchise. It's a good game, it's not as good as BC2 in many ways, or BF2, but so what. Don't play it if you don't like it. The industry is heading towards more DLC, so just suck it up - you won't get around it. Most people will pay for things they think they'll get their moneys worth out of, otherwise they won't. That's generally how things work.

Especially with the new social media aspect of the next gen consoles you won't be able to escape DLC.

Nobody in the industry is going to listen to you waaaaahhhing about it and change their lucrative business models just for you. Games are a business, not an entitlement of pale skinned, claw fisted mouth breathers. Find another hobby, or spend your time moaning on something more constructive. Just imagine what could be achieved if whingers who monitor the threads of games they clearly hate just diverted their attention to something more useful.

And DG - instead of spamming this forum with:

"game bad COD4 best hitreg not good EA rubbish cost money me no like pay money lol me know lots about computer games more than anyone"

Can't you spam your own forum with it?
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1 Jun 2006
it can be. also what a lot arnt taking into consideration is there are many old clans grops and such looking for games they can play together which decent group themes and arma is such a game.

bf isnt and cod isnt now since cod 4
18 Oct 2012
Clan groups from the major FPS games like CSS and COD won't go to ARMA lol. I don't even think ARMA has competitions at LAN events and such. You need fast paced fps games to keep the viewers happy, there's plenty of pro clans that play BF3 and the new COD.
1 Jun 2006
omg we are already playing it :rolleyes:

modern mw3 groups and such may not what about people who are decent gamers or from clans who played comp and such . arma isnt harder to play.

its a good group game and with dedis and such it gives groups of people the chance to play together again which has been missing from many fps recently.

this is why i think it may steal some of the cod players and bf players as they get fed up with console ports.

cs and cod 4 promod are just as hard to play good as arma is so i dont get why you think people wouldnt play arma on this basis
18 Oct 2012
omg we are already playing it :rolleyes:

modern mw3 groups and such may not what about people who are decent gamers or from clans who played comp and such . arma isnt harder to play.

its a good group game and with dedis and such it gives groups of people the chance to play together again which has been missing from many fps recently.

this is why i think it may steal some of the cod players and bf players as they get fed up with console ports.

cs and cod 4 promod are just as hard to play good as arma is so i dont get why you think people wouldnt play arma on this basis

No, I know plenty of groups play ARMA. I just doubt that seasoned clans from fast paced fps games would move to ARMA 3. It's a brilliant game it just doesn't have the right setup for clan based tournaments and what not.
1 Jun 2006
not about being clan based tournaments its about being able to play as a group

how many fps games let you play in big groups that arnt console ports?

you cant name many and that is why along with dedicated server support some groups and clans are getting back into gaming together.

many people i know who were mainly in cod clans of old are turning to arma now and forgetting about cod or bf.
20 Oct 2004
To an extent I agree with DG, we at {SAS} are / were historically, primarily a BF clan that played anything else sporadically. In the 11 years we have been going we have transformed from a top 10 clan base BF clan (42 / BFV) to where we are now, which is a group or chaps who long for a game to be released that reignites the "scene".

We had high hopes for BFBC2 but it just didn't happen for us, many of us went into BF3 sceptical of a similar thing and got nothing more than we expected. Our hopes now are limited to DayZ / Elite4 / Star Citizen and not much else to be honest. Unless there is a massive about turn from Dice regarding BF4 then to old school dinosaur clans like {SAS} its a non event.
1 Jun 2006
Yeah right. I'm out lol, anyone who uses the line "many people I know" to try backup a point is just full of it.

you do know i have run quite a few big cod clans from cod 1 to cod 4 :p so yes what i put is true and many of those players now play arma .

my group for eg mainly cod players of old mainly play arma now

if i look on friends list bla bla is play arma , blah blah is play arma its not bf3 its not cod its mostly arma. look in these very forums for eg the turn around in how its getting people to play it now is really remarkable and this will grow and become even bigger.

bf4 will be more of bf3 with added bs dlc and money tie ins people are fed up of this now on pc. thats why arma will steal custom from bf and cod this year and continue to do so.
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