Hi guys,
we are being targeted by a DDOS, but working on fixing it asap. Im sorry somebody is ruining your and my day. Rest assured we are doing our best to mitigate the situation though.
So i flanked the enemy in TDM. Was running ACE with a silencer. Thought I'd get a good kill streak so started recording.
This happened.....don't know if its netcode, bug or what. Either way its just madness. (30sec vid)
So i flanked the enemy in TDM. Was running ACE with a silencer. Thought I'd get a good kill streak so started recording.
This happened.....don't know if its netcode, bug or what. Either way its just madness. (30sec vid)
seen neil top on 24/7he was admiring my mortaring skills
35-4 on there
So i flanked the enemy in TDM. Was running ACE with a silencer. Thought I'd get a good kill streak so started recording.
This happened.....don't know if its netcode, bug or what. Either way its just madness. (30sec vid)
The team has received enough examples for now, thank you all for helping us!
I will lock this thread for now, should we need any more info in the future, we will create a new thread for this.
Thanks again!
Is there a cfg file that I can put in the line perfoverlay.drawfps 1, to display FPS? if so where is it located?