Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

Anyone running nvidia surround?

In first person (I play hardcore only), inside tanks etc. The view is only on the single center screen, I need to switch to thermal or nightvision to get the full 3 screen view.

Is this normal?
Anyone running nvidia surround?

In first person (I play hardcore only), inside tanks etc. The view is only on the single center screen, I need to switch to thermal or nightvision to get the full 3 screen view.

Is this normal?

Not using surround but often when I jump in tanks and ac130 the viewpoint is only taking up about half my screen (centered) and I have to zoom in and out once (switching thermal or other would probably also fix it) before it fills my screen.
Hey guys, just a reminder that Team Symthic and taking on The YouTubers today at 5pm in a 32vs32 match.

We'll be playing FloodZone CQ, Paracel Storm Ob & Lancang Dam CQ where I'll be flying the Attack Chopper for Team Symthic :D

You can watch us play live on LevelBF's Twitch page HERE

Original Symthic post including YouTubers roster for the match HERE

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Does that change anything other than the usual ingame settings? I can change the shadowmap res via the tool, but what about hte other stuff?


Not seen this app before, thanks for link.
Haven't heard of any of those youtubers except for jackfrags......... :p

Would have been great if lvlcap, xfactor and anderzel were there!

TBH I'm surprised that any type of comp. match is being held considering the game is still very poor for stability and netcode/hit reg. isn't good enough/consistently good.
Haven't heard of any of those youtubers except for jackfrags......... :p

Would have been great if lvlcap, xfactor and anderzel were there!

TBH I'm surprised that any type of comp. match is being held considering the game is still very poor for stability and netcode/hit reg. isn't good enough/consistently good.

yeah as said before it wont go anywhere in comps. watch westies link he put up before its pretty boring to watch .
I find this game incredibly disappointing at present. It crashes too much, it stutters far too much, even after I have done the DX and Core fix and even with medium settings I find it jumpy and pretty much unplayable. Going to park it for a few days, I feel it needs more work.
Anyone running nvidia surround?

In first person (I play hardcore only), inside tanks etc. The view is only on the single center screen, I need to switch to thermal or nightvision to get the full 3 screen view.

Is this normal?

Yes this is normal, same thing happened in BF3, I think the thermal bit is an oversight by them lol
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