Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

With "any class" DMRs though, a Recon limit won't do much except punish good recons who use their C4, spotter scopes and motion trackers - it would have to actually be a limit on the specific weapons, which could be harder to enforce/code (I would have thought).

in bc2 it was possible to limit weapon type counts, you could spawn as sniper if not using a sniper rifle (if i remember correctly)
With "any class" DMRs though, a Recon limit won't do much except punish good recons who use their C4, spotter scopes and motion trackers - it would have to actually be a limit on the specific weapons, which could be harder to enforce/code (I would have thought).

Thankfully DMR's are pretty crap :p :D At least for any serious long range sniping.

Not 100% sure but I don't think it is possible to have a limit for the types of weapons that can be used, only a system where you can get killed for using a certain weapon i.e. kill someone with a shotgun and you get auto killed and reason pops up; "no shotguns" (some servers even auto kick/ban...........)

It would be great if more people played recon properly but they don't :(
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yep no ammo crates resuplly it not sure on commander drops. i suppose you pick a class different then pick mortar back up youll get some more ammo but pretty pointless.
Thankfully DMR's are pretty crap :p :D At least for any serious long range sniping.

Not 100% sure but I don't think it is possible to have a limit for the types of weapons that can be used, only a system where you can get killed for using a certain weapon i.e. kill someone with a shotgun and you get auto killed and reason pops up; "no shotguns" (some servers even auto kick/ban...........)

It would be great if more people played recon properly but they don't :(

DMR is a pretty decent long range sniper in hardcore mode.

I find it slightly more infuriating that most of the potential counters to snipers there are hard counters for that snipers can use rather than having to move more into the fight.

EDIT: Oh and those limiters are pants on head retarded in operation as you usually end up with half a dozen deaths before you work out whatever setup the server admin is running - half the time they are completely illogical - I usually resort to childishly cussing out the admin and finding another server to play on.
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Yeah in hardcore, snipers are much better, that is partly the reason why I don't play that game mode any more :p With no killcam, spotting etc. it just promotes even more camping.

Thankfully I haven't run into any servers like that for bf 4 but there were a ton for bf 3, although most of them had it posted in the chatbox etc. Was most common on CQ maps with regards to shotgun, c4 and claymores
Banned from Battlelog for 24 hours:

Your probably wondering as to why I'm posting this in here, I'd be too. Anyway there was a thread within the Battlelog forums about the new nVidia drivers. Some people were experiencing stuttery gameplay so I suggested that they used a program called DDU then reinstall the drivers. Nothing more, nothing less. Now I'm banned for 24 hours with no reason given at all. Not so much as a bean.

I will continue to help people out best I can and if I believe that using DDU could be beneficial, I will always point them to a thread on Guru3D.

So EA, screw you and your idiotic ways. I hope one day that you crash and crash hard !!
Banned from Battlelog for 24 hours:

Your probably wondering as to why I'm posting this in here, I'd be too. Anyway there was a thread within the Battlelog forums about the new nVidia drivers. Some people were experiencing stuttery gameplay so I suggested that they used a program called DDU then reinstall the drivers. Nothing more, nothing less. Now I'm banned for 24 hours with no reason given at all. Not so much as a bean.

I will continue to help people out best I can and if I believe that using DDU could be beneficial, I will always point them to a thread on Guru3D.

So EA, screw you and your idiotic ways. I hope one day that you crash and crash hard !!

Weird - did you get an email or are you just not able to log in? Is there anything in the thread to indicate an infraction? Can you raise a ticket with origin/EA support to at least find out why?
Banned from Battlelog for 24 hours:

Your probably wondering as to why I'm posting this in here, I'd be too. Anyway there was a thread within the Battlelog forums about the new nVidia drivers. Some people were experiencing stuttery gameplay so I suggested that they used a program called DDU then reinstall the drivers. Nothing more, nothing less. Now I'm banned for 24 hours with no reason given at all. Not so much as a bean.

I will continue to help people out best I can and if I believe that using DDU could be beneficial, I will always point them to a thread on Guru3D.

So EA, screw you and your idiotic ways. I hope one day that you crash and crash hard !!

Seems legit

I use DDU. Not sure it has ever helped me see people through walls
Can anyone else do this?I can use two AT/AA ingame :D
Nice to see that Dice have added a system that auto orders servers by ping when refreshing the server list.

I would be nice if it worked though...
I've actually had a good experience with this so far, except for getting owned in one game by a pair of legends in a chopper (one driving, one passenger engineer repairing and firing rocket launcher - they were like an awesome tag team!).

A lot of empty servers though.
I am done with this absolute heap of crap that is bf4. Now I cant load my single player game to resume = Crash, change the graphics settings = crash. Now stuttering since updating to latest drivers.

This is a farce of epic proportions.
Went to play just now, prompted to download and install the plug in, done that but it still asks me to install it.
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