so completed the singleplayer (on hard
ooorah! ) and well.... meh......meh about sums it up. Was farrrrrrr too easy, not to say I didn't die but when I did it was usually because I got too cocky and just ran out giving it hell....or the damn game being buggy!!!
on the part where you have to hit the havoc, that's gunning our jeep, with the m320... I had to do that about 6 times because even though the damn heli fills up the screen...unless I aimed almost above the thing the shell just missed?! insane drop off after 2 ft apparently....or something.....
also another part where you have to "take out helis" before the troops deploy....I hid one transport with 6 stingers I think to take it seriously game......WTF?! it's not like the npcs are all engineers
that being said there were some fun parts and I enjoyed the mix up of environments. found myself rocking the starting scar all the way through pretty much and carring the 1 shot sniper as my was easy!
parts when you were supposed to be stealthy didn't turn out so stealthy as rather than holding Q to bring up that PLD/scanner/binos/whatevs. I would just press it....ordering everything to attack when really I just wanted to spot everything.... all worked out in the end haha!
Storyline....meh....not really sure what was going on, had to rescue some asian chic and her husband, suddenly china is attacking everyone, **** gets real, run around in circles, chinese find out the dude is alive and everything is hunkybruster. didn;t really think that much was explained which is poor in my opinion as I love to get involved and i goot story line. ( I LOVE METAL GEAR SOLID! big, complex, detailed story....but they explain
**** so simple joe can follow (not you raider
) )
Wasn't any real character development either. The black dude couldn't make up his mind between badass who's gunna bring the rain and tree hugger humanitarian with leadership issues.
so just going to go on about some other issues with it. the AI is dumb as ****. friendly and enemy. the friendlies love to sit back and chill while you push on like a demon possessed and heaven forbid they do push up with you because if you are in their spot for cover they will happily shove you out from cover into direct fire.....
*****s. enemies are super easy to flank, found myself having to run back towards my team to take out guys they didn't kill. event triggers, even though I've wiped out the whole army and waiting for my fat ass team to catchup, when we're all waiting by the door...I still have to go behind them a few steps then go forwards again then the game realises "oh, good. you're actually here now....let's continue on."
also possible SPOILER but, the dude who lost his leg (you have to knife through)....why was his leg stuck in the car as it was sinking? THERE WAS NO LEG?!?!?!
I think, pretty sure him losing a leg was prior to the car sinking so yea... sorry but no, you lost your leg.... stop pretending it's still there
not to mention that it only took me about 3 hours....then a forced 15-20 mins of damn credits! giant list of people to be fired more like! I just saw loads of "QA" (i assume quality assurance? )...they need to go first!
and my final grumble! so after semi wasting my time completing the SP, the game now tells me that i've only got 3 or 4 (depends which UI page looking at) of the assignments from the single player (despite having a gold/expert score for each chapter) and it hasn;t given me my dam m249!!! the thing that was to be the saving grace!!!
TL DR : story, meh. characters, meh. levels, not bad. bugs, annoying. "the final choice" meh...what ****s were given who took it