Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

☼ Battlefield Theme Songs TROLOLO True Story!

on youtube ah ha ha ha

Haha that's very good :D

Well, bizarrely, last night I played for a good couple of hours with no crashes. Had a couple of dodgy hit reg moments but other than that it was all good! Things I had different were turning gfx down a bit (using that Nvidia program's recommendations) using the latest gfx driver and playing on a 32-man (HC) server only. Must get a new case though, my tiny CM120 elite is struggling with CPU temps!

Oh, don't use any kind of overclock, bf4 seems stupidly sensitive and unstable to any kind of hardware tweaking.

These changes have made mine pretty much rock solid - aside from some between round crashes but who cares about them?

Update PB & allow it on windows firewall
Remove overclocks
Update directx
Remove nvidia HD sound pack
Haha that's very good :D

Oh, don't use any kind of overclock, bf4 seems stupidly sensitive and unstable to any kind of hardware tweaking.

These changes have made mine pretty much rock solid - aside from some between round crashes but who cares about them?

Update PB & allow it on windows firewall
Remove overclocks
Update directx
Remove nvidia HD sound pack

Only overclocks I had to remove was the GPU overclock, my CPU overclock has been working fine for the past 2 weeks :)
I played my first few rounds of this yesterday. Spent most of my time getting killed by people in tanks and helicopters, but it didn't crash. The audio is pretty retarded though. It's as if they have a list of all the possible sounds that could be going on at any given moment, and randomly choose two or three to actually play.
Best round so far this morning, over 11,000 points and still alive, no deaths and was using my XP boost, got promoted too :D. Game crashes when opponents down to 50 tickets. Promotion revoked, all XP lost. Things like this make me hate this game, absolute nonsense.
Game sucks ass!!!!

Uninstalled until next year.

I really don't know why people still bother with it. Surely a boycott, even when they feed you XP only to lose it, would make a bigger message
Played for a good few hours yesterday. A few random crashes and sound bugs but the recent patch seems to have sorted a few performance issues out that made it playable for me.

Something that I have noticed mainly revolving around chopper play. Myself and a friend are having a whale of a time in the Little Bird / Z11W one flies while the other repairs and Igla's/RPG's depending on the map which makes for much hilarity. But something that really has been grinding my gears is the mobile AA's ability to be able to ping you from the spawn constantly with cannon/missiles without any real retaliation.

We have found the Little Bird is a superior chopper than the Attack versions purely because of the ability to hot repair and stay in the air for longer than 30 seconds, but rarely can you go beyond the half way point on any Conquest map without getting lit up like a Christmas tree. With this new fangled critical damage and rotors going offline you become some form of lead weight for 5 seconds while everyone and their dog has a pop at you.

The current set of maps also seems very lacking in cover for any decent chopper play and too tight to give any escape. But Parcel Storm is ideal as it is big enough to run away (while no mobile AA is handy :)). Regroup and start again, allowing some decent air support.

Just a mini rant as I really do love playing Little Bird and back in BF3 we even did the whole transport chopper mini gunner shenanigans. But now even that is a steeming pile of dog doo doo.
The current set of maps also seems very lacking in cover for any decent chopper play and too tight to give any escape. But Parcel Storm is ideal as it is big enough to run away (while no mobile AA is handy :)). Regroup and start again, allowing some decent air support.

Mobile AA spawns at B flag and is a pain when the enemy have it. The active radar rockets are superb and can destroy air very quickly as they dont get any warning youre about to stuff some rockets up their pooper.
There is a large netcode patch coming in the next 2-3 days for those that still play.

It's been mostly fine but when it doees crash for no apparent reason just before the end of a game and then they don't even give you the points you earned, it absolutely sucks donkeys.
EA has had the netcode patch for the last week, but they refused to patch it until December as it is "against policy" to patch on demand vs once a month.
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