Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I hope they win.

I can't see them doing so based on what they're arguing. They would have to prove EA intentionally mislead shareholders, regardless of the state the game is in, proving that this is something that was known and kept secret probably just isn't going to happen.

The only real recompense to take away from BF4 is knowing when they start hyping up BF5 and people tell them to go **** themselves and then it comes out and nobody buys it that DICE might be having a good hard think about the quality of their products when they're moving to smaller offices with whoever is left after the lay offs.
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The only real recompense to take away from BF4 is knowing when they start hyping up BF5 and people tell them to go **** themselves and then it comes out and nobody buys it that DICE might be having a good hard think about the quality of their products when they're moving to smaller offices with whoever is left after the lay offs.

I wish I could believe that. The ONLY way for EA to hurt is in their wallets. If you believe in conspiracy, the only reason Senior EA Execs sold their stock is that they knew the stock price would take a hit upon release. Otherwise, it seems very coincidental.

Fanboys will all buy the game and make excuses for the bugs. Just read this thread. So many fanboys continue to play the game now and will continue to play DLCs. I just wish everyone would stop playing, stop paying for their rented servers and stop buying any more anything from EA. Only then would they give a ****
I can't see them doing so based on what they're arguing. They would have to prove EA intentionally mislead shareholders, regardless of the state the game is in, proving that this is something that was known and kept secret probably just isn't going to happen.

The only real recompense to take away from BF4 is knowing when they start hyping up BF5 and people tell them to go **** themselves and then it comes out and nobody buys it that DICE might be having a good hard think about the quality of their products when they're moving to smaller offices with whoever is left after the lay offs.

According to a few rumours DICE might not even be the developers of the next game in the bf series.
Nah that was people scare mongering as EA are looking for somebody to replace the void left by Medal of Honor.

EA Want battlefield and some other game to be in a bi-annual release schedule. BF3 and Medal of Honour Warfighter did that, but medal of honor got slated and was canned. Now EA want to replace that slot with something and are looking at developers and options for what the game will be on. Speculation suggests it could be another series of games, with the battlefield name, but not the core battlefield 3/4 name.

They aren't replacing DICE. This whole **** up is EA's fault for pressing DICE to release the game early to beat COD and they crank out the DLC as soon as it was released. EA supposedly asked DICE to stop working on DLC and instead focusing on fixing the game, that conversation will have been preceeded by DICE telling EA to choose their priorities again, either keep the release cycle or push it back and let us fix the game. EA obviously agreed to the latter when lawsuits started getting talked about and all the negative press came, but its no way that DICE are the bad guys here and puroposefully released a buggy game because they didn't care.

Its just a case of publishers have deadlines, and shareholders, and don't like putting back release dates as its bad for stockprice, look at what happened with Ubisoft and watch dogs.
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Nah that was people scare mongering as EA are looking for somebody to replace the void left by Medal of Honor.

EA Want battlefield and some other game to be in a bi-annual release schedule. BF3 and Medal of Honour Warfighter did that, but medal of honor got slated and was canned. Now EA want to replace that slot with something and are looking at developers and options for what the game will be on. Speculation suggests it could be another series of games, with the battlefield name, but not the core battlefield 3/4 name.

They aren't replacing DICE.

Where does SW battlefront slot in the overall plan?
Are they not going to be releasing any more of the bad company series? Though tbf they are a bit too similair to bf.
Where does SW battlefront slot in the overall plan?

Dunno, I suspect this was supposed to be DICE's next game after battlefield 4. BF3 and BF4 were already very similar so I don't think they'd have gotten away with a battlefield 5 so soon after 4. But if its a new Star Wars battlefront game that's not a battlefield game ...

It's due in 2015 apparently

But EA will likely be wanting a slice of the battlefield pie from another battlefield game next year but this time from a different developer and using a new spin off brand thats based on battlefield but not quite battlefield, like Bad Company. My bet however is that it won't be Bad Company 3 it will be something completely new and will fill the EA coffers until Battlefront arrives from DICE in 2015. I wouldn't be surprised if this has already been decided, and somebody is already working on a game for autumn next year, but the rumours are coming about from people hinting that something like this is coming.

So to cut a long story short

2014 : A "battlefield game" from another studio, but not battlefield 5 or bad company 3. Something new
2015 : Star wars battlefront from DICE
2015 : A battlefile game from another studio 2. a sequel to the 2014 game
2016 : Battlefield 5, or whatever the next game that DICE works on is called.

Are they not going to be releasing any more of the bad company series? Though tbf they are a bit too similair to bf.

Nope. They binned the franchise (again)

They are looking for something to replace it with, which is where all the rumors are coming from.
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A group of us OcUK lot normally jump on around 730-8. We use the 86JR run OcUK unofficial TS.

About 6-10 of us normally end up on the same server. Normally a good laugh.

What will they break this time?

What will they break this time?


get some jobs ya hippies xD
SLI/CrossFire Flickering Fix Upcoming

9/12/2013 17:26 , edited 19/12/2013 17:32 by trydling

Just a quick note that we aim to fix the recent SLI/CrossFire flickering issue in a custom patch planned to go live Dec 20 (this might change.) We will get back with full patch notes as the update rolls out. During this deploy, there will be a period of downtime in multiplayer on all platforms. As always, visit the BF4 Control Room for the latest info.
I'll atleast give em props for that even if theres a lot thats wanting - been involved with too many other games i.e. Black Ops1 where the dev did everything they could to avoid addressing the problem or even communicating with players much of the time and took months even to roll out "hotfixes" :(
Was blops 1 ever fixed for sli? I remember having to disable it to get it running ok. Eventually just uninstalled it.
Was blops 1 ever fixed for sli? I remember having to disable it to get it running ok. Eventually just uninstalled it.

I gave up on the game so no idea if they ever fixed the issues - I decided to drop it and never buy a treyarch game again when it took them 19 days after release to even acknowledge there were issues* and another month after that before any kind of real attempt was made to fix them - the game would suffer severe microstutter for me on single or multi GPU the moment I fired a weapon - making in completely unplayable in any firefight even though it was reporting 60+fps it would feel like ~7fps.

I was going to do the same with BF4 but to their credit EA/Dice have atleast made it look like they are listening to people so I've given it a bit longer to see if stuff actually gets fixed or if they are just saying words.

* There was a forum thread that had like 50K posts within 2 days of release with people who had pretty much game breaking bugs and it was 2 weeks IIRC before there was even an official post in that thread (pretty much a have you tried latest drivers post at that) let alone any taking on board of the issues - totally unacceptable from any developer who actually has pride in their product - treyarch pretty much did a dump and run and hid behind "it was the holidays" - who on earth releases a product even with holidays coming up and has no one to support release :rolleyes:
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IMO the one thing we can't complain about is that this game isn't being supported, with 16 server updates and a number of client updates they are certainly trying, it just shows that the game was released in such a bad state that even after this amount of patches, it is still fundamentally broken.
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