Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

haha yeah ive added some but some seem to not have any traffic so was wondering what servers where the ones people played on the most and maybe some recommendations of other ones people have found to be decent.

with TS just open up allll the servers in different tabs and sit in afk or muted somewhere, people can poke for games then :D as for game servers, usually see who's on my battle log list and try to join off one of them...or I look through my history list and just jump on one I remember being vaguely fun :D

normally results in joining on JSRaider for some sexual chopper action....unless he's being selfish in the jets having a jolly.... then I singlehandedly carry the team to glorious victory :p joe does help with the occasional jdam here and cannon burst there ;) oh inb4 he tries to deny it....i've seen that jet parked up on the beach on paracel storm, sangria in hand.... you hippie :p
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