Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I have seen a Logitech flight stick on a well known online auction site, I am tempted to buy it to try and get the knack of this flying stuff.

It's really bugging me not being able to fly anything at all well. For £20 it seems a good deal.

took me about an hour flying around on the test range in the little bird Josh just to familiarise myself with k/b + m. really got it down very well, it becomes pretty easy. The thing I cant get though is engaging and shooting targets in the game, my aim just isnt there for that. I'm just fine buzzing around, but moving targets is another matter

Got my Stellas, Sailor Jerry and loads of xmas nibbles. Just a night in tonight with my fiance, big family thing for me tomorrow, but the night is all mine :D:D

I play awful when I've had a drink though :p

Plus I am pretty boring and only play Infantry Only, usually with a load of weapon restrictions too as I'm sure you've heard on TS I don't like a lot of them :p
took me about an hour flying around on the test range in the little bird Josh just to familiarise myself with k/b + m. really got it down very well, it becomes pretty easy. The thing I cant get though is engaging and shooting targets in the game, my aim just isnt there for that. I'm just fine buzzing around, but moving targets is another matter

I've got about 3h into using my xbox controller, can fly fine, but can't shoot/evade/fly - same with KB&M, can fly fine, but its when people are shooting me or giving me a clear target.

Going to get a flightstick in the January sales.

I'll be on for a lil while tonight, have to assemble a snooker table but that shouldn't be too long.
And another very late night :( Think I am addicted :o

5th in UK for tanks now! :D

So many things are ****ing me of with this game/players:

- staff shells
- how crap the attack heli is for flying, why they change it from beta, was perfect FFS! just so heavy and slow now :(
- the amount of stinger faggots, last night was the worse ****ing night ever for it, literally 10+ guys just camping on flood zone just trying to get heli down, might as well change the descrip from cap/defend flags to take al aircraft down!!!!
- MBT law warriors....
- really **** vehicle players that just keep taking the vehicles and dying 2 mins later or worse, bailing and then giving them to the enemy....... I don't mind noobs/newbies taking vehicles every now and then as they have to get better one way or another but please don't keep on taking them every time when you just die 2 min later, frustrating as hell especially when the enemy team's vehicles are doing serious damage

Love it when people complain about AA camping too (although I don't camp in base, only time I do that is if the gunship is up, that can take AA out easily) or "running of", it is called anti-aircraft for a reason!!!! If I see 3-4 engis with rpgs etc. around building areas or/and a MBT tank or LAV then you are damn right that I am going to "run away"

Redownloading battlefield :D

About time you big noob :D

And also good to see kiwi back! Both of you will have to join us for some games! the OcUK "clan" is getting much abuse lol

Also, VR why you not join us?!?!? :(

Another montage from last nights tanking gameplay. Don't ask about my near constant "ho ho ho got the chopper" - it's the excitement.

Included is a bonus clip at the end I would appreciate if you could watch it and tell me what you think, doesn't seem legit to me, could be just the kill-cam playing up or could be a cheater/glitcher.

Ta peeps, props to those on TS for the "good shots" - included a clip with Weakley nailing an Attack Chopper.

Nice video again! :D

It's a shame we don't much rage from the heli pilots :( on rogue last night, took out a transport heli right at the start and got 5 kills, was expecting something to be said but NOTHING! me = sad panda

I've just given it a go in the Test Range, I'm shocking it would seem with kb&m and 360 pad. Think I'll just stick to tanks and being the rep bitch!

Keep trying with M+KB m8! It is the best setup. You can't beat the precision of a mouse.

bind space to pitch up, ctrl to pitch down

Westie and Joe are FAR better than me with aircraft so am sure they can give you some better advice.

thats it, im definitely improving, I got the hackusation aimed at me today...My work here is done lmao.

If ppl accuse me, I'd love to see the abuse aimed at players going 70-2 lol. Weak slack joint faggots the lot of 'em

Nice! :D

I used to hate hackusations but now I love them! :p

pay attention when your on with nexus next then, when he's whoring around in the aa or a tank you'll see the love they give him and he's only on 45-2 :D

The abuse Nexus gets is Quality, as we normally play on EU servers its generally badly worded and spelt.

U mad? - Standard response, que loads of other people raging, including sometimes our own bloody team! Dunderheads...:p

It does make for fun reading :p

haha, got to love the good old "u mad" response

I do feel bad sometimes for winding the players (the ones who don't say anything and just came on to have a fun round) up though.

The good thing about making the enemy team "rage" is it just makes them play even worse then. One thing I really agree with lvlcap is this:
So you dont use the mouse to pitch up and down! Thats interesting, all these things I never knew.

I use mouse to turn L&R and A&D to roll it. Mouse to pitch FWD & back, W&S to increase or decrease thrust.

Ill give you setup a try Nex.

Any pilots feel free to give my key bind tips. Me love you long time.
So you dont use the mouse to pitch up and down! Thats interesting, all these things I never knew.

I use mouse to turn L&R and A&D to roll it. Mouse to pitch FWD & back, W&S to increase or decrease thrust.

Ill give you setup a try Nex.

Any pilots feel free to give my key bind tips. Me love you long time.

I do use mouse to pitch up and down A LOT! the space/ctrl binds for pitch is mainly when you get really close to the ground and need to quickly bring yourself back up (at least that is what I use it for :p)

It isn't that important for helis but vital for jets! IIRC the best turning speed when in jets is about 310-315, westie etc. will need to confirm that.
I do use mouse to pitch up and down A LOT! the space/ctrl binds for pitch is mainly when you get really close to the ground and need to quickly bring yourself back up (at least that is what I use it for :p)

It isn't that important for helis but vital for jets! IIRC the best turning speed when in jets is about 310-315, westie etc. will need to confirm that.

Yep defo go with space for pitch up you dont need pitch down so much as you can use mouse for that little adjustment you may need. RMB is for free view so you can scan the battlefield for next target. Also for tighter turns slow down a bit , use flares for countermeasures. I'm no jet pilot but i know the theory but dont fly much ata ll. They'll be some pro pilots on soon as we have some excellent pilots on this forum.

Just watched lvlcap and matimios latest vid where they use the dirt bike for rolling up next to armour and dropping c4 on them. Man that looks like good fun , we should do a multi dirt bike one with a few of us.
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5th in UK for tanks now! :D



Cracks me up that image!

Just watched lvlcap and matimios latest vid where they use the dirt bike for rolling up next to armour and dropping c4 on them. Man that looks like good fun , we should do a multi dirt bike one with a few of us.

Same, was pretty funny :D Surprise butt sex!

I'm up for it! Probably be on at the same sort of time again tonight.
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