Battlefield 4 worth it?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I have all BF games, it's shocking really, I never learn my lesson. Anyway, been playing BFH and when with mates, it's an absolute blast, but the lack of content has made me sad... I mean, only 4 guns for mechanic????

Anyway, I'm hearing rumors here and there that BF4 has now been 'fixed'. Is that so? Is it too late to join in? What are the most popular game modes?

I need to get ready for Battlefront and I think BF4 will do me until then.

I already have it guys, I just stopped playing it shortly after release as it was a pile of ****

So... Is it all good now? Which game mode would be best?
3200 ticket conquest large Lockers is all you need to play. it will put you in such a tranquil mood its unreal.
Well, I really enjoy BFH, and I've always been a BF fan, there are a few things I don't like, scope glare for snipers is one. Such a giveaway!
3200 ticket conquest large Lockers is all you need to play. it will put you in such a tranquil mood its unreal.

Lol. Yeah, play a few rounds of this just before going to bed, you'll have the best night's sleep ever.

BF4 was a slow motion train wreck on release, but its improved quite nicely, especially after the CTE was introduced. And they have further improvements on the way which should make it even better.
Can someone list the differences between release BF4 and current BF4? None abbreviated, I'm a half wit and unable to take much time at work to google abbreviations.
Can someone list the differences between release BF4 and current BF4? None abbreviated, I'm a half wit and unable to take much time at work to google abbreviations.

BF4 Beta - Good
BF4 Release - Poor
BF4 Release - March - Poor
BF4 March - Dec - Slightly Better
BF4 Dec - Current Day - Completely different game, much better now.

They did loads of netcode stuff, gave the devs job to DICE Stockholm who made it much better.
In terms of balance, is it even? I like switching between different classes a lot, but I also like sniping.

Is it like other BF's, if you don't know the maps you're fudged?
Can someone list the differences between release BF4 and current BF4? None abbreviated, I'm a half wit and unable to take much time at work to google abbreviations.

The CTE that I mentioned stands for 'Community Test Environment'. Its basically a bunch of test servers with its own battlelog page, where the community can test upcoming expansions and patches and leave feedback and suggestions. Allot of the netcode work, bug fixes, balancing changes, higher frequency tick rates, etc have been introduced because of community feedback. Its the best thing they've done to improve the game. The changes since release are to numerous to list, but if you already have it then its definitely worth re-installing.
In terms of balance, is it even? I like switching between different classes a lot, but I also like sniping.

Is it like other BF's, if you don't know the maps you're fudged?

Balance seems better since the last patch, stomping a server isn't as easy as it was.

An average player will have been playing them for over a year now so you be at a disadvanatge but that doesn't mean you will get #rekt
Ok, well, I think my rank is something tiny like 14 or what have you.

I downloaded it last night, so I'll jump on tonight.

Any local lads from this forum play that I can join?
BF4 is quite simply amazing now compared to what it was like on release, occasional issue still persists but overall it's very good that being said while there is a huge number of guns, which most can be swapped between classes (DMR, carbines etc) there is still only a finite number of guns that are any good for any given situation. Some are clear favourites and you will see why if you buy it they have superior rate of fire, less recoil and are overall better than their counterparts however given that some people like to try out other guns for a challenge or even for their stats EG high velocity high recoil low reload which with the right loadout can still be viable

Avoid METRO/LOCKER unless you are on a no explosive server.
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