Battlefield 6 - Thread

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk

Exclusive: Vince Zampella Confirms Next Battlefield Will Use Modern Setting, First Concept Art Revealed

All of it points to a back-to-basics approach for the next Battlefield. Indeed, Head of Respawn & Group GM for EA Studios Organization Vince Zampella is quick to shout out Battlefield 3 and 4 in the course of sitting down with IGN to talk about these new reveals. On the decision to return to the modern era, Zampella says, "I mean, if you look back to the peak or the pinnacle of Battlefield, it's that Battlefield 3... Battlefield 4 era where everything was modern. And I think we have to get back to the core of what Battlefield is and do that amazingly well, and then we'll see where it goes from there. But I think for me, it's that peak of Battlefield-ness is in that Battlefield 3 and 4 days. So I think it's nostalgic for players, for me, for the teams even. Those are kind of the heyday...although I would say 1942 also."

The return to the modern setting represents a course correction for the series after Battlefield 2042, which eventually found its footing but was otherwise widely panned for features like Specialists — characters that made it seem as if Battlefield was trying to be a hero shooter. Its ambitious 128-player maps also proved unpopular with fans who preferred a more focused experience. Battlefield 2042 eventually went back to supporting 64 players per maps, and the next Battlefield plans to stick to that approach.

I'd rather have nice, dense, really nice, well-designed play spaces. Some of them are really good

"Yeah, the 128 player, did it make it more fun? Like...doing the number for the sake of the number doesn't make any sense. We're testing everything around what's the most fun. So like you said, the maps, once they get to a certain scale, become different. It's a different play space, and I think you have to design around that. So we are designing something that is more akin to previous Battlefields," Zampella says. "I'd rather have nice, dense, really nice, well-designed play spaces. Some of them are really good. I can't wait for you to see some of them.

Specialists are also out this time around. "So I wasn't there for 2042. I don't know what the rationale was, but for me, it's like the team tried something new. You have to applaud that effort. Not everybody liked it, but you got to try things. It didn't work. It didn't fit. Specialist will not be coming back. So classes are kind of at the core of Battlefield, and we're going back to that," Zampella says.

He's careful to stress that Battlefield 2042 wasn't a "failure of a game" despite not doing as well as hoped. He notes that the development team "really spent a lot of time learning how to adapt it and getting things back." Still, he says, EA doesn't want a repeat of the experience it had with 2042. "We want it to be good out of the gate."

The Battlefield teams have prioritized what they call their "green initiative" which means they're focused on software stability and the game is ALWAYS playable for playtesting.
They're already testing with players and they plan to introduce a new LARGE SCALE, community driven testing "early next year"
This will give the teams more feedback on "gameplay, performance and fun factor."
  • Modern setting (Battlefield 3 / Battlefield 4 era).
  • All-out warfare (air, land and sea).
  • Maps: Well-designed play spaces that are more akin to previous BFs.
  • 64 players.
  • NO Specialists. Class system is back.
  • Natural disasters/events.
  • It's being developed by DICE, Motive, Ripple Effect and Criterion.
  • They're expanding Battlefield universe.
  • EA is playtesting the game every week.
  • EA plans to launch a community program next year.
  • Concept art revealed.

(2025 release)
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It's gonna have to be pretty bloomin' special to make up for the last travesty. (Disclaimer, I've played quite a few hours of BF2042 and have enjoyed but it's still the worst BF by far)
Went steeply downhill after BF4 IMO and even BF4 had a few issues due to sloppy coding which took the shine off it.
I find it impossible not to be at least slightly hyped for modern Battlefield games (having been a big fan of BF2/3) but... Meh :o hopefully totally wrong and they rise like a phoenix from the ashes of their reputation.
PPL complain too much about 2042 (gamer herd mentality), it's a good game now, but going forward I just want a proper server browser.

BTW Hardline and BFV are the worst battlefields
I suspect the days of a server browser and/or private hosting are gone. It’s just not worth the additional coding and time.
Start with just a pistol and unlock every other gun from the battlepass..
Unlock anti-vehicle load outs at level 35 so get absolutely slaughtered by vehicles for weeks if not months. Just like 2042. Don’t forget your choice of anti-air, anti-vehicle or land mines. But not any at the same time so you’re at a massive disadvantage if you don’t have the correct loadout at the time.

Oh and edit to add, your RPG style option has no lock on option at all without a rarely used perk from another player, and you can only kill a tank with it without resupply from the rear.
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I have a feeling it'll just be another DLC infested ,specialists ridden crap all over again.

I honestly don't expect them to have listened to the feedback people have given.
all it comes down to now is keeping the Investors/shareholders happy.

What I found annoying in 2042 was the lack of a real server browser,no option to filter out maps you hate and when it did automatically shove you in a map you hated,when you back out and try to join another round it'd throw you back in exactly the same horrible map you've just left.
a lot of people were asking for metro to come,did they give it? Nope..I assume they'll add that to BF6 to get more people to buy.
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I have a feeling it'll just be another DLC infested ,specialists ridden crap all over again.

I honestly don't expect them to have listened to the feedback people have given.
all it comes down to now is keeping the Investors/shareholders happy.

What I found annoying in 2042 was the lack of a real server browser,no option to filter out maps you hate and when it did automatically shove you in a map you hated,when you back out and try to join another round it'd throw you back in exactly the same horrible map you've just left.
a lot of people were asking for metro to come,did they give it? Nope..I assume they'll add that to BF6 to get more people to buy.
I remember early after launch I played the same map 5 times in a row as I had zero control over what server I joined or what map I did, or didn’t want to play. I just ended up quitting for the night.
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