Battlefield2: Xbox360

frogboy said:
Joypads are fine for fps shooters on consoles. You have to realise that you can't really jump off something, turn sideways in mid flight and get a headshot. It's less natural that keyboard and mouse, but everyone else will be using pads so there are no unfair advantages. Goldeneye and Halo were both great and they used pads.

Halo was infact better with a pad than a mouse & keyboard.
Games are getting better the longer a system is out, but I am always dubious until I am playing it.

I bought King Kong and was dubious from the screenshots on the back (despite it saying - actual screen shots) until I played it because I didn't believe it could look that good.
This is coming out at the same time as Ghost Recon isn't it, going to be a pain deciding between which one to dedicate time to, leaning toward GR myself, though I'll be picking this up aswell for sure, now if only I didn't suck so damn much with a joypad :mad:
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