BBC Comment on COD2

I saw those screenshots of it compared to the PC version on, didn't look as good, was all jaggy etc... but i suppose be best to see it for yourself, plays and looks awesome on my x1800 XT maxed out though. :)
Weebull said:
Is this thread going to lead anywhere other than yet another 360 vs PC argument? The OP hasn't even provided any kind of argument to actually stimulate debate, and yet it's still getting responses.

Some people think COD2 is better on the PC, some people think it's better on the 360. Some people will have good enough PCs to run it better looking than the 360, some people won't. Neither party is right or wrong, case closed.
Some people like debate - why post in this thread at all if you're not interested! :confused:
didnt the developer themselves say the 360 version was improved over the PC?

Its worrying when gamers look for jaggies and also think running in a higher res is the be all and end all of graphical effects. Its more than worrying, its getting sad for the industry when resolutions are the thing to impress people.

PC owners are getting milked and milked just to throw more power at a problem.
Consoles are custom designed, efficient, cheap and last 4 years, they dont pretend to be anything else, youve got no chance of getting milked to play the latest game.
My PC and consoles are connected to a projector anyway, so it wipes the floor with any monitor for the gaming experience under 42".
The OP hasn't even provided any kind of argument to actually stimulate debate, and yet it's still getting responses.
I saw a quote from the BBC and posted it as I thought it would interest people. I myself thought it was interesting to see that the BBC saw the xbox 360 as the pinnacle of video game graphical ability. It was not meant to be a "whoah man! my PC rulez your xbox 360 like mega loads dude coz it has a FPU and MMX and 64 bits Windows!"

EDIT- Also I think Xbox 360 is cool but at £50 a game it can wait.
Rhys said:
EDIT- Also I think Xbox 360 is cool but at £50 a game it can wait.

Oh not that old chesnut :rolleyes:

seriously, state all the facts

Cod2 has a RRP of £49 on the 360 yes
BUT it also has a RRP of £44.99 on the PC !

If youre savvy enough not to pay RRP prices, and then sell games on once finished, a quick check on the auction site completed items search suggests that COD2 will cost you £5 to play on the xbox 360 and £15 to play on the PC using the average resale price.

This is reality, not the myth that console gaming is actually more expensive.
SC04 said:
Oh not that old chesnut :rolleyes:

seriously, state all the facts

Cod2 has a RRP of £49 on the 360 yes
BUT it also has a RRP of £44.99 on the PC !

If youre savvy enough not to pay RRP prices, and then sell games on once finished, a quick check on the auction site completed items search suggests that COD2 will cost you £5 to play on the xbox 360 and £15 to play on the PC using the average resale price.

This is reality, not the myth that console gaming is actually more expensive.

So what your saying is that 360 games cost more but then loose all resale value whereas PC games dont? Hardly a good point for the 360! :p

If you look at the most well known site for selling games you'll find its £26.99 for the PC and £39.99 for the 360.

PC games, while they may start off at high prices soon drop to more affordable levels.

Anyway, ive played both versions (360 & PC). No contest, PC wins!

As ive said on another forum, the PC is the best and worst of gaming while the consoles just sit constantly inbetween the 2. Consoles are designed for plug and play gaming, PCs are for those with more technical abililty that like tinkering!

2 very different systems, each with Pros and Cons. I prefer PCs, thats my choice and thats all any of us have. Its a shame that people are always comparing the 2!
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MNuTz said:
So what your saying is that 360 games cost more but then loose all resale value whereas PC games dont? Hardly a good point for the 360! :p

If you look at the most well known site for selling games you'll find its £26.99 for the PC and £39.99 for the 360.

PC games, while they may start off at high prices soon drop to more affordable levels.

Anyway, ive played both versions (360 & PC). No contest, PC wins!

As ive said on another forum, the PC is the best and worst of gaming while the consoles just sit constantly inbetween the 2. Consoles are designed for plug and play gaming, PCs are for those with more technical abililty that like tinkering!

2 very different systems, each with Pros and Cons. I prefer PCs, thats my choice and thats all any of us have. Its a shame that people are always comparing the 2!

Err no, console games always have and always will be worth more on the used games market than PC games. COD2 is going for £15 mint on the PC and £33 mint on the 360.
I didnt point it out to claim its a selling point of the 360, as games have never been cheaper, but it puts an end tothe myth consoles may be cheap but you spend more on games.

Good 2004 and some 2005 PC games are now £4.99, great news for people who wait and keep their PCs to a budget level, that hardly describes the PC owners whove been attracted to this thread though.

I like PCs and Consoles equally over a period of time, at the moment and hopefully for the next year or two consoles are a no brainer and in the majority of games will produce the best graphical effetcs, but not the highest resolutions, and plenty of people who liked tinkering and modding, and to a point more technical ability, modded Xboxes.

What by the way does the PC COD2 win at?
The main aim of developers once the game is up and running is to get a good frame rate, COD2 has a great frame rate on the 360. I guess all these OTT remarks like 'wiping the floor' are again down to higher resolution and texture detail only? Very sad for gaming.
Dude, its was a joke, hence the :p


I found the PC version better in all aspects but i am running a pretty high end PC, had i of had an average spec i could see that the console would be an even match. Id also like to point out that its very rare that i buy brand new games due to the high price, i usually buy them after a month or two. For some games i'll just wait until they're cheap because i dont think they are worth the money. Something you cant really do with a console unless you buy second hand.

As i posted at the end of the last post, there is no one thats better than the other, as they both have good and bad points.

I also never said that only non-technical minded people use console, my point being that if you nothing about PCs its a lot cheaper to go out and buy a console as there is no confusing jargon, what you see is what you get! Which is ideal for those with no or little technical knowledge.

I own a PS2, i was given it as a present and its great for just plugging and playing but i prefer a PC.

As for modding a 360, how can you without voiding your warrenty? Im aware that people sometimes change the exterior of the consoles but id find it hard to believe that you can mod a console like some people mod their PCs.

Id also like to point out that i dont judge games by how good they look. Uplink, in my eyes is one of the best games out there and it was graphically very simple.
Id also like to point out that i dont judge games by how good they look.
I dont think its bad to judge a game on graphics. Many a time I have said "phwoar! Look at the graphics on that" to a game that looks good e.g *dang* I cant think of it but a car game on the orginal xbox, I think it begins with "W".
Rhys said:
I dont think its bad to judge a game on graphics. Many a time I have said "phwoar! Look at the graphics on that" to a game that looks good e.g *dang* I cant think of it but a car game on the orginal xbox, I think it begins with "W".

Good graphics are important, but they dont rate high on my marking scheme. There are many more important things to judge a game by.
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