BBC documentary - The Vietnam War

Wow, Episode 8 is a very hard watch (not sure if BBC will show the full version), the colour images of the dead at the My Lai massacre (old, young, babies etc) and the Kent University attack (National Guard shot into the crowd) really got my anger building, and that emotional response shows just how well made this doc is!
Can anyone recommend me a good book that covers US soldiers Vietnam experiences? In a similar vein to Citizen Soldiers et al?

Not read Citizen Soldiers, but great Vietnam books -

The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien ( probably my favorite )
A Rumour of War - Phillip Caputo
Dispatches - Michael Herr
Chickenhawk - Robert Mason
A Bright Shining Lie - Neil Sheehan

Matterhorn is supposed to be excellent, but not read it.

A number of those authors also appear in interviews in the series, haven't watched past ep4 yet, need to catch up.
Johnson and Nixon got my goat - all they were interested in was being re-elected - Another thing was the bull headedness of the parents of the youth - They were living in WW2 territory - Vietnam was a totally new type of warfare..

Good documentary and should be mandatory watching in all schools.

If anyone here hasn't seen "The world at war" then they should do so.
So few people in power are seemingly selfless, which is what I think a person in that position needs to be, otherwise, there's just the usual repeat of personal gluttony for wealth and power - driven by their ego.

Sadly, of course, that then affects millions +.
Can anyone recommend me a good book that covers US soldiers Vietnam experiences? In a similar vein to Citizen Soldiers et al?
Is there a specific area of interest you have?
Reason I ask is that, just as with most WW2 books, personal accounts will only tell the story from the author's perspective and it will often differ wildly from that of another author in another unit with another main role.
However this does mean you can tailor your reading. Living History forums and the like can often advise, there.

If you're after shorter accounts, has quite a few to get started on.
Glad I am not the only one who gets emotional over all these soldiers (north -south and US) who are reliving their horrors for this documentary.
Glad I am not the only one who gets emotional over all these soldiers (north -south and US) who are reliving their horrors for this documentary.

Yeh it's those bits that get me, intermingled with tapes of Nixon making it obvious that he considers the war just another part of his political game. What a crook! He puts the worst characters in Game of Thrones to shame.

It must have been frustrating to live in the US when half the people thought being anti-war equated to being 'commie loving' and unpatriotic. I try to picture being at a student rally against the war and the police start shooting people dead... in the US!! Unbelievable that actually happened.
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