Modifications of this kind can be dangerous and invalidate manufacturer warranties. Such projects should only be carried out by qualified engineers in controlled conditions.
PC modifications != engineering
wow all that to play mirrors edge (which he sucks at). could have bought a xbox360 and saved himself a lot of time and money.
I'm pretty sure he'll play other games off camera...
From another thread, would link you to it but it appears to be deleted... better to leave some things buried
I'm pretty sure he'll play other games off camera...
surely he picked the most impressive looking game from his collection to show off the "super smoothness" of his pc. mirrors edge looks like that on a console ffs
Because it wouldn't be as impressive having that gear and still getting poor performance on let's say... Crysis.
He seems more interested in playing the game than talking to the woman by the end of it
I don't think I could say "yea I blew up two GTX 280's" and keep a straight face though.