be quiet! - Project Octane

Love this. It looks great. Tiny suggestion but IMO the cable spacers would look good in either blue or orange to contrast with the cables themselves.
thanks Garnett, thats something I had thought about with the combs but wanted to blend them in a bit if I could hence going with white.

There is also an alternative that im sure someone with your clear talent at this stuff could do opposed to cable combs called cable lacing you may have already heard of it! imo it actually looks better as it's considerably thinner so draws less attention from the work on the cable itself!

Here are some examples in case you haven't seen it before.



Ive seen that done before, however, we are trying to demo what we can cut with our cnc hence the combs. Its not the most comlpex project I have ever done but hopefully gives people an idea.

I have a Fallout build coming soon that will again use cnc cut parts from in house. Heres an aztec calendar I designed and cut, the theme will potentially follow this.

salvage meaning in insurance
wow that's really neat and tidy and using my favourite two colours!

I actually made my own cables using some white silicone cable,turned out really neat and very flexible but doesn't hold shape very well.

good job sir.
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