Beast MoDe Enabled

Thursday: Back & Broceps

WG Lat Pull Downs - 4 x 10 x 52kg
CG Lat Bull Downs - 3 x 10 x 45kg
Barbell Rows - 4 x 10 x 40kg
Rear Delt DB Flies - 4 x 10 x 10kg
EZ Bar (21s) - 3 x 21's 25kg
Rope Cable Curls - 3 x 12 x 20kg

Calf doms are real 2 days on.
I did one full set. Then attempted another, got 4 reps in and decided to go back to normal squats for the final 6. They are pretty juicy, just goes to show how much of a difference focusing on the negative of any exercise increases its difficulty ten fold.
mrthingyx introduced these to me and they're lovely stuff. Did you do them for all your sets? Just one set is enough for me!

I did one full set. Then attempted another, got 4 reps in and decided to go back to normal squats for the final 6. They are pretty juicy, just goes to show how much of a difference focusing on the negative of any exercise increases its difficulty ten fold.

I live for this stuff... :cool:

We'll get you doing deficit Bulgarian split squats soon enough, too! :D
Tuesday: Shoulders & Tri's

Plate Loaded Shoulder Press - 40kg x 4 x 10
OHP - 35kg x 4 x 10
Lateral Raises - 9kg x 4 x 12
Front Raises - 9kg x 4 x 12
Shrugs - 20kg(Plate Each Hand) x 5 x 12
Dips - BW x 3 x 8
Dumbell Overhead Tricep Extensions(Two Handed) - 22kg x 4 x 12

Wish I could find a decent gym, Excersise4Less just gets stupidly busy. Felt really put off going after last night, I was even thinking about crossfit! :O at least then everyone gets there turn.
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Thursday: Chest

Flat BB Benchpress - 50kg x 12 , 60kg 3 x 8 , 50kg x 8
Incline BB Benchpress - 50kg x 8, 50kg 2 x 7, 40kg x 8
Fly Machine - 4 x (50-70) x 12

Friday: Mixture

Went to the gym with a couple of mates I used to go with, they where running something similar to stronglifts, but with a load of other stuff mixed in. Can't remember a great deal as it was last week now.

Incline Bench Press - 60kg 5 x 5 ( After doing chest the day before, this was brutal)
Front Squats (Smith) - 30kg 5 x 5 (Not tried front squats before, felt naff on the Smith machine. Bar was bouncing off my front delts) - If I try these again I will be using the proper rack!)
Deads - 80kg x 5 / 100kg x 5 / 110kg x 3
Hamstring Curls - 60kg 5 x 5
Kettlebell Leans - 20kg 5 x 10

Was a bit of a one off, didn't like this weird stuff they where doing, I did deads instead of renegade push ups as my chest was exhausted from Thursday.
Pretty much a month off. Back to the gym with more focus on improving my body for basketball. Also started playing 5-a-side again, so leg and core strength wont come in wrong.

WU - 10 minute incline walk
Squats - 50kg 1 x 10 / 60kg 3 x 10
Deads - 60kg 1 x 10 / 80kg 3 x 8 - 10
Dumbell Push Ups - BW 4 x 10
Decline Crunches - 3 x 10-15
Hanging Knee Raise - 3 x 10 (Grip kept slipping)
Kettlebell Swings - 3 x 20
SS with Med Ball Russian Twists - 3 x Failure
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