became an admin for a facebook group, but I can't belive this

29 Sep 2011
melee island
when vetting people to join the group or not, you see how many groups the applicant belongs to, lots of people are a member of 1000 or more groups, I've seen two with over 2000 groups that they belong to,! joining over 2000 facebook groups must feel like a full time job most of the high group people are indian, phone /internet chat workers I imagine,
we average around 1000 new applicants per day, at the weekend from the friday, sat, and sun I've seen over 2000 people wanting to join the group, I don't have to ban too many people, mainly those who try to advertise things in the group, products or psycic things, or people being really mean to others in there, it seems that even in the nicest of places, people can be right ****!
there are alo a lot of religious preaching posts that a thinly disguised as poems/prose, if there are too many religious posts on there, ppeople start to complain, so I only let one of those through if the god poem is actually pretty good, I've only seen two diamonds in the rough goddy poems though
I won't accept anyone who is hovering around, or more than 1000 other groups, or if they have only been a member off facebook for less than a day, (like hours), there are other groups like ours that they could join, so no biggy imho
we had an admin let slip in a post that had self harm/ scuicide content the other day, so the group is actually in danger according to facebook, so I have to be extra vigilant and look at every post carefully, making sure that there are no hidden links in a post that needs approving, before it will be approved if the content is good enough!

it's odd to have a kinda job, I'm disabled so feeling like I am contributing to a global society cheers me up a bit

I didn't ask to be an admin, they asked me, it was pretty random at the time

the group page is "poets, and poetry lovers"

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I'm a member of 81 groups.

I wonder what the average number of groups people are part of?

Anyone dramatically over that number I would be suspicious of their motive.
its great you have something your feel like your able to contribute to :)
but it does sound like a full time job, and people dont always apprciate the work that goes in to managing it.
Good on you :)
Moderating on the whole is just a horrible job. No-one gives a toss about the work, and only notice when they think some line has been overstepped to get angry.

There's a local group near me and the admins keep trying to act like it's this major community, asking us to welcome new joiners, posting rants about decisions they've made and had blowback on, and not noticing at any point that no-one could care less.
Moderating on the whole is just a horrible job. No-one gives a toss about the work, and only notice when they think some line has been overstepped to get angry.

There's a local group near me and the admins keep trying to act like it's this major community, asking us to welcome new joiners, posting rants about decisions they've made and had blowback on, and not noticing at any point that no-one could care less.
I used to admin some IRC channels back in the day. But sometimes I was in other people's channels and saw how they ran them.

Some people are sticklers for rules. It's their way or the highway.
people that are in mulitple (1000s) groups could just be accounts people use to spam groups with adverts.
yup, that is my fear, and why I don't accept them, I think many are bored indians who are using a computer all day dealing with webchat for sites, and phonecalls for other places, who just pass the time looking at facebook, while they 'talk to their lead/super' or have to pass you to the correct department on amazon
this group page is also based in india too, so a lot of indians
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I struggle to believe any real person could be a member of over 1000 groups.
There are real people in 1000s of groups, there's loads of win this groups or free **** groups and lets not forget the one's that are the hot topic of the moment.
If they are active or not in the groups is the real question, and if they are not active or even viewing your group, is there any point in them being in the group?
I'm a member of 2 Facebook groups and apart from the bants on the neighbourhood one of "will whoever has kept their dog outside for 8 hours barking bring it in you're the scum of the earth" - "that's my dog and we're having the floor redone today you could have knocked I'm your next door neighbour you idiot", they bring nothing positive to my life.
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I'm an admin of a 49K member group related to radio controlled helicopters. How many of those actually have an interest in the hobby, I do know know, because it was a public group long before I became an admin. There is another admin, a friend of mine who founded the group, but he doesn't do anything with it any more.

There tends to be about 50 applications a day. 5 might be real interested people. I have a question that needs answering that relates to the hobby. People that know the hobby, know the answer instantly, and will usually provide a one or two word answer. Sometimes you get a couple of sentences because someone asked an AI and it's incredibly obvious.

I only look at applications that answered the question, so I filter for that. If it's an AI copy/paste, they're declined. Once I've gone through them all, I clear the filter and everyone that didn't answer is immediately declined. I can do a weeks worth of applications (several hundred) in a just a few minutes.
Most applicants seem to just want to spam for video views (many accounts try to post the same video), or post religious or self help hokum.
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