Being a gamer and a dad

12 Apr 2018
I've been a dad for nearly 7 months now and before the little bundle of joy was born I was a pretty avid gamer. Every new console and game that came out I had it, spent quite a bit on a gaming PC too and most of my time was spent mixing work and relationships with gaming.

Now that he is in the world he's everything in my life but I always look at my dusty gaming station thinking whether I'd ever get a chance to play longer than maybe half an hour on it.

Has anyone else been in this situation? How did you ever mix parenthood and a gaming hobby?
My little boy is nearly 7 months old and at the moment we're still adjusting to the whole thing

I bought a switch(day 1) mainly because I thought it would be easier to still game but it's still rather difficult haha. I'm also quite a large fan of the souls games along with many other big jrpg's but I feel like it would be a really bad idea trying to start any game like that, I've been eyeing up Persona 5 for ages.

I've had my gaming PC there and thinking about selling that in parts and going for something like a GPD win and a 4k telly to keep the mrs happy
same here, I’m lucky that my little man goes down about 7 and then the Mrs likes on catch up on TOWIE and stuff like that so that’s my game time maybe an hour or so at nights and then a bit more in the weekends especially if I get a new game, then I work away for my work which is where the laptop comes in handy!
We're lucky if he goes down by 11, teething... :/
Aaaaah! I remember when I used to have a man cave! Now a little man cave! Pc Has been moved through to our bedroom. Was in the living room on our 55” 4K tv But never got time to use it so hence the man cave. Then the little man started over running the house with toys so now it’s his cave........for now:D

Gave me an excuse to get a nice new monitor though!

I've just started selling off my gaming PC for the same reason :p
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