Believe for more than you think

30 Jan 2007
PA, USA (Orig UK)
There are a lot of people out there that are probably thinking they are 'stuck' in a particular job with a particular company. You might have got to a place where you think you are unable to move or do better than your current status.

Listen... you can. You may not think your skills are worth it, but they really are.

I started in IT with a job on the southwest of England with low rates of pay (good for area though). Now I'm a Senior Developer earning 3 to 4 times what I did previously in a Developer position. Both those times, I didn't even believe in myself, and couldn't really see my worth, so I had to put a smile on, do some basic practice and revision, and just go for it. My worth was far more than I thought it was, and I know there is better to come.

I encourage you to look around, and see what's out there, even if you flunk a few interviews, or make some mistakes. Learn from it, do better for the next one.

Good luck, and believe in yourself (even when you don't feel like it).
How did you do that? Self taught or learning on the job? My aim now is to do what you have done, just some times I lack that self belief in myself and wouldn't know how to "back up" my knowledge.

A degree helps you get your foot in the door tbh with most places, I am not going to lie. But that is in IT. A lot of jobs are still just experience and skills. I still say put yourself out there, see what happens.

I actually left my last position after having enough of the targeted be from a colleague that the company did zero about. So I looked elsewhere.. got 10k more on top of what I expected. Stunning really. Sure, I got lucky at the right time.. but that only happened because I looked. (First interview in 5 years and they cancelled all other candidates). I am not bragging I am trying to get people to understand that even though I felt like trash, I still succeeded. You can to.
Not quite on the exact same topic but i think this is fitting here too.

I Have a very basic education ( a few gcses ) flunked school, skipped college and worked in plastics factories for the last 8 years with the occasional bit of work around carbon fiber products. Always had a enjoyment for computing and recently started university(open) to study for a degree in programming. I never for the life of me thought i was smart enough or that i would even qualify to be a student, let alone studying something like this! but it is the first time i have enjoyed studying. I know the further i progress through the modules the more doors will be opened to work within the IT industry and im so glad that i have taken the leap!

That is awesome
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