BenQ XL2420T Now available

Should probably have posted this in the dedicated thread so sorry for the duplication. Mine arrived today.

Have spent ages fiddling with the settings but still can't get it right. Even with brightness on 0 its very bright and the colours are washed out too. The blue of the forums is a sort of dull purply blue.

As I've got two screens its easy to compare - the second screen is a cheap, worthless bottom of the range TN panel - an Iiyama E438S. Yet it reproduces the blues on the forums perfectly in a way the BenQ cannot.

Really not sure how to fix it.

I'm not expecting IPS grade colour reproduction here but surely it should be as good as a 6-7 year old Iiyama 4:3 thing?!
Make sure you go into the picture mode option and scroll upwards and select standard if your not already doing this (its not obvious at first this is possible to do) as it improves the image a lot. Tho as I said in my other post I'm still not that happy with it for general useage but its possible to improve it a lot.
Yup - it's set to standard.

Also I doubt this is the monitor but when I put it into 120hz mode then bringing up right click menus and dragging windows around is not at all smooth. Infact it becomes quite sluggish?
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I'm currently using:

Brightness: 28
Contrast: 50
Sharpness: 5
Gamma 2
Color Temperature: User Mode: R 97, G 94, B 98

Its still not ideal (and quite a long way from the spyder 3 calibration profile) but seems to give the best balance of color of any settings I've tried so far.
Grrr, just don't know what to do. Bothering me - but what else would I get? The stupid Dell IPS panels have such a pathetic range of connections. Everything about this BenQ bar the picture itself is just fantastic.

Edit: It seems to be getting better and better with ue...
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120hz shouldn't be sluggish at all, have you tried any games on it? do they run at 120fps and feel very smooth? try BF3 or CS:GO if you have them.I used PCM2 settings and they been fine for me....obviously there's better calibration settings around.The brightness probably feels too bright at first as you aren't used to it coming from an old monitor and also make sure you adjust digital vibrance to 60-70% in Nvidia Control Panel.
This is odd. Windows often gets sluggish moving things around or right clicking on the desktop. As soon as I swap to 60hz from 120hz its fine and fixes it.

Games are fine - not getting 120hz in BF3, more like 50-90 which is a shame.
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Is there a difference, or benefit to running an icc profile over just setting it to the same settings?

Does the profile do more than just what you adjust via the normal menu?
Is there a difference, or benefit to running an icc profile over just setting it to the same settings?

Does the profile do more than just what you adjust via the normal menu?

In simple terms it adjusts what the graphics card is sending to the monitor. This contrasts with changing the monitor settings that has no affect on the GPU. ICC profiles are often used to fine-tune the image a monitor will display at a much finer and specific level than the monitor's OSD would allow. Downsides of these adjustments include that it reduces contrast and colour range more significantly than minor adjustments to the monitor OSD. Furthermore many games ignore or misinterpet ICC profiles which can have undesirable consequences. Because each system and individual monitor differs (and there are further temporal changes to consider) you would have to crate your own ICC profile with a suitable calibration device for the best results. Due to the colour inconsistencies across (and moreover up and down) TN panels and the intended use being primarily gaming I don't generally recommend using an ICC profile. If you find it outputs a more pleasing image on the desktop and some applications then by all means use it, but be aware of the drawbacks and limitations.
Thanks for the reply and explanation. Think ill leave well alone for now.
Still messing with settings, but ive never properly calibrated a screen, not even my v expensive tv :s
^^ I've played with this monitor extensively over the last few days including borrowing my mates kit to calibrate it and PCM2's settings with Gamma 4 or 5 give the most accurate results that I could find so far - there doesn't seem to be any real merit with this monitor spending the time making an ICC profile. However the resulting image is very "heavy" color wise for want of a better way to describe it.

But the settings I'm currently using seem to be the most pleasing to the eye that I've found so far tho I'm still not that happy with it.
[TW]Fox;22794221 said:
Should probably have posted this in the dedicated thread so sorry for the duplication. Mine arrived today.

Have spent ages fiddling with the settings but still can't get it right. Even with brightness on 0 its very bright and the colours are washed out too. The blue of the forums is a sort of dull purply blue.

As I've got two screens its easy to compare - the second screen is a cheap, worthless bottom of the range TN panel - an Iiyama E438S. Yet it reproduces the blues on the forums perfectly in a way the BenQ cannot.

Really not sure how to fix it.

I'm not expecting IPS grade colour reproduction here but surely it should be as good as a 6-7 year old Iiyama 4:3 thing?!

Have you tried gamma mode 4 with maybe brightness at 5 to 10. contrast 50. To me that gives better blues on the forum then gamma mode 1 to 3. Tho i just use this for desktop only and have a custom mode for games.

Had this monitor for about 5 days now. Wasn't impressed with it at first but its growing on me. But i only payed £200 for mine from ocuk being a b grade monitor which has no problems at all. But not sure if i would honestly keep it if i had payed almost close to £300
Just watched a movie. Even with brightness on zero the dark scenes are noticeably bright. Really torn now. Love the way it looks, love the inputs, etc etc... but it's so bright.

I also seem to have a sort of weird bar of light along the top, extending down about 0.5-1cm, where its much brighter during dark scenes. Is this backlight bleed?
Im not sure my screen is setup right, currently using BF3 settings from BenQ, and pcms when not in game.

If its ok, im going to post screenshots, for some more experienced opinions.
To me, it just seems very smokey / foggy, making it hard to see people.
Ive just come from console, so cant compare it to another monitor.
But dont remember it being like this on Xbox. I know to a degree, this is part of the game, just seems a bit ott. Hoping i can tone it down or something.

Oh and im using Danoc 1.25 or 1.3 FXAA Injector





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Screenshots from ingame won't show us what you are seeing - if its looking abnormally smoky/foggy in the screenshots when viewed on other monitors then either thats how it looks or theres an issue with the game/settings.
Quite common amongst all monitors except for the more expensive Eizo's and NEC's. Some models have it more often than such as the Samsung S27A850D and S27A950D but yeah.. it's common.
I am looking to get a 120hz moniter soon, are there any makes that are not horribly expensive that do not have backlight bleed.
the Benq in the link below has been reduced to just under £200 from £250 but I have seen loads of reports of backlight bleed with Benq so its putting me off that make
perhaps thats why its been reduced, they are having too much trouble with that make and model
I still find myself fiddling with the monitor most of the time I use it, keep trying different settings but not really sure what i'm after, so I don't get anywhere! It never feels quite right though.

Also BenQ got back to me about my red tint on top left, however i'm a bit worried that it can be really unnoticeable so maybe not really an issue.. I really don't want them to bill me to send the monitor back because it has no problems but I notice the problem all the time as I know its there.

Really was noticable on Black Mesa when you get blown up (tripwire room) and the screen goes totally white. But noway to really take a good picture of it to put with the RMA form :(
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