Bent CPU Pin?

9 Sep 2010
I got a phenom ii 940 here, with a bent pin.

The pin thats bent is next to one of the 4 small squares without pins on the inner edge of the cpu.

Im hoping that a bent pin doesn't automatically mean a broke cpu?

I cant test this cpu for 2-3 days, its a 125w am3 cpu and the only mobo I got here that can take that is a ddr3 mobo, and I dont have any dd3 here for a few days.

Im just hoping some one here has had this and knows if it can be straightend out maybe I aint lost lots of £££ here!

Please help good people, I know Im always asking but you know you guys here are the best!
Put it in the cpu socket and lock the cpu in place. This will perfectly straighten out any bent pins.

I have not owned any of the modern AMD's but when I bent the pin on my amd64 that is what I did. A bent pin means the cpu is fine.
If it breaks off it's done but you could try bending it back. Try using a mechanical pencil with the lead retracted (better yet, taken out). Place over the pin and gently bend to a straight position.
^That'll work if it's only bent a bit. Otherwise extreme care with a credit card then fitting it into a socket is the way to go.

Or you can try to find a pinout for it, a lot of the pins do the same thing e.g. earth and losing one doesn't actually matter a great deal.

It's certainly not a write off yet.
Thanks, one of them is slightly too bent for it to fit in the socket to straighten it. I tried the card option, but I always ended up bending it slightly the other way, stopped that thinking im making it looser everytime and it might snap off.

The mechanical pencil sounds like thats my plan. thanks.
=[ Indeed lol I got it for £80 last week off an auction site, was fine when it arrived I don't know what I did, but still havn't used it yet. Just building this system now minus the dd3 that arrives soon minus the harddrive i got in this im using now!
I once read something about finding out which pin it was and using something like one of the old pins off a vga cable and popping it in on the socket then placing the chip down as it would then make contact but i'm not sure about it, I seem to recall someone using a bit of a staple (??) and said it worked on here though I cant find it :(
Il try it without trying to make the connection with a staple or anything, hope it works if not be sad!

Thinking it was a deal I snagged it. However I got greedy with the credit card and tore 2 off in the process. With my luck they were not ground pins. The CPU was dead. That was over a year ago. However today with already so much on my plate. I decided you know What about a staple mod? The concept is simple. A staple fits into the pin holes on the CPU socket. Now gold is used mostly for its conductivity but it isnt a necessity. With that in mind aluminium should work fine. So the idea is to cut a staple so its pin length and improvise.

IDK if I would try it but if id just spent the money like you did id sure be tempted :P
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I'll try it first and chances are it will be one of the ground pins, in which case the CPU will work fine without it. I've dealt with lots of bent pins before back in the skt478 days and the card method worked perfectly. Even had one with 2 missing pins and still worked fine, overclocked well too.
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