Best 4 gig ram available

VMWare is one of the few programs that really does benefit from a large amount of memory if you're running a lot of concurrent guest OS's and you want each of them to have a decent chunk of memory (512-768MB) or lots of smaller guests with less memory.
i really wish my server could take more. i'm constantly finding that it is paging as it run out of memeory at 3.6gb :( i would love 8gb in it. but couldnt afford £400 for a motherboard or the cost of ECC memory
thefullcollapse said:
ram that would help me overclock my cpu would also help (AMD athlon 3200+)

As others have said, 4GB of RAM will hurt your overclock, not help it :(

If it's any help, I went to 2GB for a while and found I only ever went to 900MB memory usage (Games - FarCry, Doom3, HL2 but not BF2).

I went back to 1GB because I can use faster timings, so my system is faster overall because of that.
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