it aint a dumb response, sounds like your offended that i said that Z5500's are decent, well they are if you havent heard Hi-Fi, i have this Hi-Fi downstairs, it probs will sound worse than the z5500's because its older than me, all it had was 2 speakers both with 8" speaker and some small 4 or 5" thing, but the middle speaker was missing, and they sounded naff. I want a Hi-Fi, but to get a decent one, you have to pay out like over £300 by sounds of it, and come on, the Z5500's or these creative megaworks things, or those Klipsch pc speakers aint naff, whoever says that should be slapped tbh, a Hi-Fi surely cant put of like 10 times better quality when these pc speakers aint that crap, and pc high end pc speakers and home theatre systems with sat speakers are better for people with small cramped rooms etc.., my impression from other threads is that if i wanted a decent 2.1 Hi-Fi setup i would be paying hundreds. Your right i cant afford a decent Kit, but the Z5500's and other pc speakers are good for there price, i got em for £226, bet i couldent get anything better for that price that suited me, i aint slating anyone who has Hi-Fi's, but pc speakers are for Pc's, Hi-Fi's aintdesigned for pc's even tho they can connect to them.
What i said earlyer is true, if you have just purchased a high end set of PC speakers designed for the PC, and you have never heard a Hi-Fi system, and thing the PC speakers that are designed for a PC are amazing, then your not going to be so desperate about getting Hi-Fi systems and saying all PC spekers are a bag of crap and there naf etc.. when there not naf or a bag of crap, there quite good, maybe not as good ss Hi-Fi's.