Best and free driver cleaner?

23 Dec 2009
RG8 9
Evening all

I have not had the need to use one for years now as graphics drivers have been fine installing over the top of old ones, but I have a new GPU to install and have heard that there have been issues going from AMD 5 series to 6 series. To avoid this possible issue I want to totally wipe all of the drivers from my system and install again once the new card is on place.

I have been having a peek about and what once was free, seems to now not be free. What is the best free one I can trust and rely on, or do I have to pay?

I went from a 5770 to a 6950, all I did was uninstall the drivers, turn off, swap the cards over, turn it on and install the latest drivers, never ever used drive cleaners, and I've heard that they cause more problems than they fix.
Just swap the cards.

Honest to god. I swear people make their own lives difficult just to have something to do.

You may be changing architecture, but you're still using the same driver package.
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