Best and Worst Sci-fi theme tunes

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Name your favorite and least favorite Sci-fi T.V Series or Film theme tunes.

The best for me has to be Dr.Who and the worst is definitely 'Enterprise'.
Best 'Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy' The Eagles 'Journey of the Sorceror'.

There is no worst than Enterprise. You've got it perfectly right there. ;)
Best by a country mile is Ulysses 31 theme tune.


Worst was Star Trek Enterprise, should've had some nice orchestral music like all the other shows, but no, they go for Rod Stewart.


Abraham said:
lost in space - film version - apollo 440
2nd vote, was a bloody good song.
Babylon 5 has the best TV theme tune of all, the new Galactica is pretty good as well.

Best film theme is Flash Gordon. :D

X-files theme was really irritating.
Quantum Leap had simultaneously the best and worst theme tune. Awesome tune, but not for an episodic time-travelling body-jump sci-fi adventure. :/
Best - Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Worst - Star Trek: Voyager (Wishy washy nonsense) Yet I still shudder at the memory of hearing that Enterprise soft rock cobblers for the first time... Tough call.

But the best ever sci-fi music must be the tune that kicks in every time the Klingons show up in Star Trek.
Best: Does Dark Place count? Elements of Sci-Fi desptie being a comedy program...

Best: Quantum Leap, so bad its good.

Worst: Cant really think of anything, dont really care much for theme tunes unless they stand out.
Mindriot said:
Not sure if it counts, i class it as sci-fi

Futurama - awesome theme tune

have you heard the beatbox remix, think it was on the last episode. anyone know where to download it?
lilpaki said:
have you heard the beatbox remix, think it was on the last episode. anyone know where to download it?

Go to the website, and root around in the 'other sounds' section. It's buried in there somewhere.

I must admit, it's a fab choon! :D
Futurama has an ace opening so has Star Wars Imperial March "Dum Dum Dum dumpete dum dumpete dum"
The Terminator movies are not movies without that theme tune either. Brilliant.

Which was crap was Starkid. Poor opening, poor movie, binned the DVD after watching it.
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