30 Jul 2006
Long, long ago I used to use AVG Free on my PC, then I recommended Norton or McAfee to commercial users. I eventually turned to Kaspersky based on recommendations from seemingly independent sources. I gave that up and went back to AVG when Mossad and the CIA came up with the conspiracy theory that it was spying on users.

I have now been asked to recommend something to someone whose system was recently infected with a virus.

I downloaded and experimented with six AV packages earlier today and couldn't see an obvious willer.

BitDefender seems to be the favourite choice at TechRadar with Norton (which I have disliked for years for no particular reason) and Kaspersky getting mentions as well.

I dislike the fact that all the AV software seems to slow down a PC and they all encourage you to install something else (e.g. a Password Manager, a Browser, a VPN, etc., etc.)

What do you recommend?
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