Best Bad guy in films

is he really a "good" baddie in films. i think he s way worst of a character in books. i dont feel he was encaptulated well in the films. Not saying Ralph Fiennes was bad at it just that i dont feel the films did the character the justice for being the big bad. afterall the films were catered for kids and there is only so far you can go with that to get the necessary rating.

he is bad in the films, the same sense as the guys in Home Alone...
Was thinking the character is pretty evil for saying it comes from kids books and films (although they are very popular with adults, myself included).
That scene Gary Oldman "Evvvvveryone" from Leon, a classic in movie history. Many bad guys I would've picked; already mentioned so a couple of others:

Andy Robinson playing serial killer Scorpio in Dirty Harry. Bearing in mind this film was made in 1971. Ultra violent for its day.

Robert De Niro as Al Capone (The Untouchables 1987) just everything I would've imagined.
Fun fact: Andy Robinson went on to play everyone’s favourite Cardassian tailor, Garrak in Deep Space 9.
James Purefoy as Marc Antony in Rome.

Antony Hopkins as Hannibal Lecter.

Gary Oldman as Norman Stansfield in Leon.

Gary Oldman as Zorg in the Fifth Element

De Niro in Taxi Driver (not a true 'bad guy' though)
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Clarence Boddiker - Robocop

Honourable mentions:
Bennett - Commando
Joker(Nicholson) - Batman

Said this before about Bennett - Commando on another forum years ago, Hes not a bad guy, because he wears a string vest outside of his T-shirt! ;)
Castor Troy in Face Off, as portrayed by both actors, but especially Travolta.

Travolta plays quite an interesting bad guy in Swordfish - one of the better things about the movie (along with the Oakenfold sound track) as ultimately I think Jackman wasn't the best casting for the intended character he plays and it pulls the movie down a bit even though as far as it went he does a good job.
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